Title: 3D Printing by Selective Laser Sintering
Title: Absorption Dependent Intensity Detector for Chlorophyll
Members: James Aurilio (PSE), James Brutus (PSE), Logan Farley (EEL)
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Title: APALES – Automatic Parameter Adjusting Laser Engraving System
Members: Nolan McGinley (PSE), Jackson Gilliland (PSE), Amir Mohd (ME), Kavinaash Jesurajah (CpE), Aly Megahed (CpE), Felipe Mosquera (CpE)
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Title: Audiovisible
Members: Marcos Berrios (PSE), Danielle Garsten (CpE), Jaaquan Thorpe (CpE), Gustavo Monaco (CpE)
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Title: Autofocusing LED Projector
Members: Tyler Yorke (EE), Alexander Neal (CPE), Corey Katchen (CPE), Daniel Enix (PSE), Gabriel Recinos (PSE)
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Title: Automated Optical Inspection
Members: Anthony Badillo (PSE), Garin Arabaci (EE), Valery Jean (EE), Joseph Sauceda (CPE)
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Title: Automatic Feeding And Sanitizing Pet Bowl
Title: Automatic Laser Cavity Mirror Alignment and Beam Profiler System
Members: Matthew Bowman (PsE), AJ Desantis (CpE), Bryce Moon (EE), Nicholas Pinkham (PsE)
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Title: Automotive Night Vision Imaging System (ANVIS)
Members: Emmalynne Clarkston (PSE), Carole Pearson (EE), Rudy Valentin (EE), Julian Ortiz (EE)
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