Dr. Peter J. Delfyett
Director, Townes Laser Institute; University Trustee Chair, Pegasus Professor of Optics & Photonics, ECE & Physics;
Email: delfyett@creol.ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-6812
Office: CREOL A231
Ultrafast Photonics
Conducting research on ultrafast high power optical pulses from semiconductor diode lasers, for applications in applied photonic networks and laserinduced materials modification.

Dr. Axel Schülzgen
Professor of Optics
Fiber Optics Lab
Email: axel@creol.ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-1746
Office: CREOL A107

Fiber Optics Laboratory
Research in fiber fabrication technology, nano-structured fibers, nonlinear fiber materials, fiber lasers, and fiber sensing applications.

Dr. Zenghu Chang
Professor of Physics & Optics
Email: zechang@mail.ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-4442
Office: CREOL 413
Florida Attosecond Science & Technology
Generation of attosecond (10-18 s) and zeptosecond (10-21 s) x-ray pulses. The Double Optical Gating method is refined to generate shorter and stronger single isolated attosecond pulses with both few-cycle and multicycle lasers.

Dr. Aravinda Kar
Professor of Optics, MMAE, ECE & Physics
Email: akar@creol.ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-6921
Office: CREOL 284

Laser Advanced Materials Processing
Engaged in novel manufacturing technology; new materials synthesis including optical, electronic and magnetic materials for a variety of applications such as sensors, detectors and medical devices; and process physics modeling.

Dr. Martin Richardson
Founding Director of the Townes Laser Institute, Pegasus Professor, University Trustee Chair, Northrop Grumman Professor, Prof of Optics & Photonics, Physics and Electrical & Computer Engineering
Email: mcr@creol.ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-6819
Office: CREOL 126

Laser Plasma Laboratory
Conducting research on X-ray and EUV optics and sources, X-ray microscopy, laser-aided material processing, and laser generated plasmas.

Dr. Ayman Abouraddy
Professor of Optics & Photonics
Email: raddy@creol.ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-6809
Office: CREOL A116

Multi-material Optical Fiber Devices
Research on novel optical fiber structures, nanophotonics, fiber-based optoelectronic devices, optical imaging using large-scale three-dimensional arrays constructed from photosensitive fibers, and mid-infrared fiber nonlinear optics.

Dr. Eric W. Van Stryland
Emeritus Dean and Professor of Optics & Photonics
Email: ewvs@creol.ucf.edu
Phone: 407-222-1389
Office: CREOL 271

Nonlinear Optics
Conducting research on a variety of nonlinear optical effects, materials, and devices including nonlinear interactions in waveguides, nonlinear signal processing, optical power limiting, and characterizing materials response at picosecond and nanosecond scales.

Dr. Romain Gaume
Associate Professor of Optics & Photonics, NanoScience Technology Center
Email: gaume@creol.ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-5683
Office: CREOL 172

Optical Ceramic
Focusing on the development of transparent polycrystalline materials offering novel functionalities for laser physics, defense, sensing, nuclear surveillance and medical applications.

Dr. Leonid B. Glebov
Research Professor of Optics & Photonics
Email: lbglebov@creol.ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-6983
Office: CREOL 285

Photoinduced Processing
Conducting rigorous analysis, design, and demonstration of diffractive and holographic optical elements, subwavelength grating structures and their applications, E-M theory of grating diffraction, holographic optical information processing and storage, volume holography.

Dr. Rodrigo Amezcua Correa
Assistant Research Professor
Email: rodrigo.amezcuacorrea @creol.ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-6853
Office: CREOL A118

Dr. Matthieu Baudelet
Assistant Research Professor
Email: baudelet@creol.ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-6910
Office: Partnership I, Office 316B

Dr. Lawrence Andrews
Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
Email: larry.andrews@ucf.edu
Office: 125 Math & Physics

Dr. Ronald Philips
Emeritus Professor of ECE and Mathematics
Email: Ronald.Phillips@ucf.edu
Phone: 407-579-5893
Office: TISTEF Site, KSC

Dr. Kathleen A. Richardson
Pegasus Professor of Optics & Photonics, Materials Science and Engineering
Florida Photonics Center of Excellence (FPCE) Professor
Email: kcr@creol.ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-6815
Office: CREOL A110

Dr. William Silfvast
Emeritus Professor of Optics
Email: silfvast@creol.ucf.edu

Dr. M.J. Soileau
University Distinguished Professor of Optics & Photonics, ECE & Physics
Email: MJ@ucf.edu
Phone: 407-443-3808
Office: CREOL A219

Dr. Konstantin L. Vodopyanov
21st Century Scholar Chair, Professor of Optics & Photonics, and Physics
Email: vodopyanov@creol.ucf.edu
Phone: 407-823-6818
Office: CREOL A113