David Hagan received his PhD degree in Physics at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland In 1985. He is a Pegasus Professor and Dean of the College of Optics and Photonics. He was the founding Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Optical Materials Express, and was the Executive Editor-in-Chief of Chinese Optics Letters. His current research interests include techniques for nonlinear optical materials characterization, optical power limiting and switching, and methods for enhancement of optical nonlinearities.
Dr. Hagan’s Researcher ID is H-2204-2011
Awards & Honors
- International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) Fellow
- Optical Society of America (OSA) Fellow
- 2017 Pegasus Professor
- 2012 Research Incentive Award (RIA)
- 2010 College of Optics & Photonics Excellence in Research Award
- 2007 Office of Research & Commercialization Millionaire’s Club
- 2004 Research Incentive Award (RIA)
- 2001 Teaching Incentive Program (TIP) Award
- 1995 Teaching Incentive Program (TIP) Award
Research Group
Conducting research on a variety of nonlinear optical effects, materials, and devices including nonlinear interactions in waveguides, nonlinear signal processing, optical power limiting, and characterizing materials response at picosecond and nanosecond scales.Faculty
Research Scientists

Sanaz Faryadras
Postdoctoral Scholar
Graduate Students

Debasmita Banerjee
Optics Ph.D.
Ameer B Batarseh, M Javad Zakeri, Andrea Blanco-Redondo, Marek Trippenbach, David Hagan, Wieslaw Krolikowski, Pawel S Jung "Crossover from single to two-peak fundamental solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media" Wave Motion 133, 103445 (2025) (2025)
HAO-JUNG CHANG, NATALIA MUNERA, CESAR LOPEZ-ZELAYA, DEBASMITA BANERJEE, GUY BEADIE, ERIC W. VAN STRYLAND, AND DAVID J. HAGAN "Refractive index measurements of liquids from 1 0.5 to 2 µm using Rayleigh interferometry" Opt. Mat. Express, 2024 (2024)
Sepehr Benis, Natalia Munera, Sanaz Faryadras, Eric W. Van Stryland, and David J. Hagan "Extremely large nondegenerate nonlinear index and phase shift in epsilon-near-zero materials" Opt. Mat. Ex. 12, 3856 (2022) (2022) PDF
Mykhailo V. Bondar, Sanaz Faryadras, Natalia Munera, Hao-Jung Chang, Mehrun Uddin, Kevin D. Belfield, Olexiy D. Kachkovsky, Eric W. Van Stryland, and David J. Hagan "New Two-Photon Absorbing Squaraine Derivative with Efficient Near-Infrared Fluorescence, Superluminescence, and High Photostability" J. Phys. Chem. B 2022, 126, 21, 3897–3907 (2022)
M. Yessenov, S. Faryadras, S. Benis, D.J. Hagan, E.W. Van Stryland and A.F. Abouraddy "Refraction of space–time wave packets in a dispersive medium" Optics Letters, 47(7), pp. 1630-1633 (2022) PDF
H.J. Chang, M.V. Bondar, N. Munera, S. David, O. Maury, G. Berginc, B. Le Guennic, D. Jacquemin, C. Andraud, D.J. Hagan and E.W. Van Stryland "Femtosecond Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Optical Properties of aza-BODIPY Derivatives in Solution" Chemistry-A European Journal, A. e202104072 (2022)
C. Kriso, T. Bergmeier, N. Giannini, A.R. Albrecht, M. Sheik-Bahae, S. Benis, S. Faryadras, E.W. Van Stryland, D.J. Hagan, M. Koch, G. Mette, and A. Rahimi-Iman "Probing the ultrafast gain and refractive index dynamics of a VECSEL" Applied Physics Letters, 119(9), A. 191105 (2021) PDF
Hao-Jung Chang, Natalia Munera, Christian Keyser, Scott Webster, Eric W. Van Stryland, and David H. Hagan "Refractive index measured by common path interferometry for solvents from visible to infrared" In Frontiers in Optics (pp. FM6C-3). Optical Society of America (2021)
S. Tofighi, N. Munera, M. Reichert, D.J. Hagan and E.W. Van Stryland "Transient mid-IR nonlinear refraction in air" Optics Express, 29(7), pp. 10863-10878 (2021) PDF
S. David, H.J. Chang, C. Lopes, C. Brannlund, B. Le Guennic, G. Berginc, E. Van Stryland, M.V. Bondar, D. Hagan, D. Jacquemin, C. Andraud and O. Maury "Benzothiadiazole-Substituted Aza-BODIPY Dyes: Two-Photon Absorption Enhancement for Improved Optical Limiting Performances in the Short-Wave IR Range" Chemistry-A European Journal, 27(10), pp. 3517-3525 (2021)
T.G. Allen, S. Benis, N. Munera, J.X. Zhang, S.X. Dai, T.F. Li, J. Boyu, W. Wang, S. Barlow, D.J. Hagan, E.W. Van Stryland, X.W. Zhan, J.W. Perry and S. Marder "Highly conjugated, fused-ring, quadrupolar organic chromophores with large two-photon absorption cross-sections in the near-infrared" The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124(22), pp. 4367-4378 (2020) PDF
S. Benis, C.M. Cirloganu, N. Cox, T. Ensley, H.H. Hu, G. Nootz, P.D. Olszak, L.A. Padilha, D. Peceli, M. Reichert, S. Webster, M. Woodal, D.J. Hagan and E.W. Van Stryland "Three-photon absorption spectra and bandgap scaling in direct-gap semiconductors" Optica 7(8), pp. 888-899 (2020) PDF
N. Cox, J.X. Wei, H. Pattanaik, T. Tabbakh, S.P. Gorza, D.J. Hagan, and E.W. Van Stryland "Nondegenerate two-photon absorption in GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum well waveguides" Physical Review RES. 2, 013376 (2020) PDF
C. Denz, D.J. Hagan, R. Boyd, C. Conti, A. Mecozzi, and A. Salandrino "Nonlinear Optics: feature issue introduction" Optics Express, 28(4), pp. 5883-5885 (2020)
A.J.-T. Lou, S. Benis, M. Gao, A. Baev, D. Kim, E.W. Van Stryland, D.J. Hagan, and T.J. Marks "Third- and fifth-order nonlinear optical response of a tict/stilbene hybrid chromophore" Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2020, 124, 9, 5363–5370 (2020) PDF
C.M. Cirloganu, P.D. Olszak, L.A. Padilha, S. Webster, D.J. Hagan, and E.W. Van Stryland "Three-photon absorption spectra of zinc blende semiconductors: theory and experiment, errata (vol 33, pg 2626, 2008)" Optics Letters, 45(4), pp. 1025-1026 (2020) PDF
Z. Li, A.A. Syed, P. Zhao, J.C. Yang, R. Sharma, T.R. Ensley, J.D. Matichak, I. Davydenko, S.H. Jang, D.J. Hagan, S.R. Marder, E.W. Van Stryland, and A.K.Y. Jen "Cationic polyelectrolyte for anionic cyanines: an efficient way to translate molecular properties into material properties" Journal of the American Chemical Society, 141(43), pp. 17331-17336 (2019)
H.J. Chang, M.V. Bondar, T.H. Liu, X.L. Liu, S. Singh, K.D. Belfield, A. Sheely, A.E. Masunov, D.J. Hagan, and E.W. Van Stryland "Electronic nature of neutral and charged two-photon absorbing squaraines for fluorescence bioimaging application" ACS Omega 4(12) pp. 14669-14679 (2019)
S. Tofighi, P. Zhao, R.M. O’Donnell, J. Shi, P.Y. Zavalij, M.V. Bondar, D.J. Hagan, and E.W. Van Stryland "Fast triplet population in iridium(III) complexes with less than unity singlet to triplet quantum yield" Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(22), pp. 13846-13855 (2019)
T.R. Ensley, S. Benis, H. Hu, Z. Li, S.H. Jang, A.K.Y. Jen, J.W. Perry, J.M. Hales, D.J. Hagan, and E.W. Van Stryland "Nonlinear refraction and absorption measurements of thin films by the dual-arm Z-scan method" Applied Optics, 58(13), pp. D28-D33 (2019) PDF
Sanaz Faryadras, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2024Hao-Jung Chang, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2022
Sepehr Benis, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2020
Salimeh Tofighi, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2020
Peng Zhao, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2016
Matthew Reichert, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2015
Trenton Ensley, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2015
Himansu Pattanaik, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2015
Manuel Ferdinandus, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2014
Davorin Peceli, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2013
Honghua Hu, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2012
Claudiu Cirloganu, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2010
Gero Nootz, Physics Ph.D., Fall 2010
Peter Olszak, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2010
Jie "Jeff" Fu, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2006
Mihaela Balu, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2006
Joel Hales, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2004
Richard Lepkowicz, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2004
Vladislav Dubikovskiy, Physics Ph.D., Spring 2003
Raluca Negres, Physics Ph.D., Spring 2001
Dmitriy Kovsh, Optics Ph.D., Spring 1999
Jin Hong Lim, Physics Ph.D., Spring 1998
Arthur Dogariu, Physics Ph.D., Spring 1997
Paul Buck, Electrical Engineering Ph.D., Spring 1996
Zuo Wang, Electrical Engineering Ph.D., Spring 1996
Tiejun "TJ" Xia, Physics Ph.D., Spring 1994
Nicholas Cox, Optics Ph.D., Unknown