Group number | Project title |
1 | Greenhouse EnviroNmentAl RatiO: Analyzer of Blue to Red Light, Humidity, Temperature, and CO2: (G.E.N.A.R.O.) |
2 | Climatic high-altitude navigator Balloon for atmospheric environmental data collection |
3 | Automatic light turret for far-reaching firing feedback for NERF guns |
4 | Solder Paste Dispenser |
5 | Image Surveillance and Protection Yielder |
6 | Auto-Focusing and Color Identification to Improve Mildly Impaired Vision |
7 | Proximity-Based Hazard Detection System for Older Vehicles |
8 | Color Harmonization Reflecting Optimal Melanin Accuracy |
9 | Protected Access for Whiskered Subjects |
10 | Smart Water Bottle for Measuring Ingredient Concentrations in Beverages |
11 | Controllable Active-Search Trash-Collector (C.A.T.-Bot): A Light-Guided Trash Collection Robot |
12 | Power-Efficient Infrared Security System (P.E.I.S.S) |
13 | Photoplethysmography-Based Runner Heart Rate and Oxygen Saturation Monitoring System |