Journal Papers
John A. B. Aziz, Seth Smith-Dryden, Bahaa E. A. Saleh, and Guifang Li "Three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction using Voronoi weighting" John A. B. Aziz, Seth Smith-Dryden, Bahaa E. A. Saleh, and Guifang Li, "Three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction using Voronoi weighting," Opt. Express 32, 20256-20267 (2024) (2024)
Aziz, JAB (Aziz, John A. B.) [1] ; -dryden, SS (Smith -Dryden, Seth) [1] ; Saleh, BEA (Saleh, Bahaa E. A.) [1] ; Li, GF (Li, Guifang) "Three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction using Voronoi weighting" Optics Express 32(11) pp.20256-20267 (2024)
Shree R. Thapa, Seth Smith-Dryden, Zheyuan Zhu, Shuo S. Pang, and Guifang Li "Experimental Demonstration and Characterization of a Non-Mode Selective (De)Multiplexer Using Multi-Plane Light Converter (MPLC)" (2024)
Zheyuan Zhu, Alireza Fardoost, Fatemeh Ghaedi Vanani, Andrew B. Klein, Guifang Li, Shuo S. Pang "Coherent General-Purpose Photonic Matrix Processor" ACS Photonics 2024, 11, 3, 1189–1196 (2024) (2024)
Klein, AB (Klein, Andrew b.) [1] ; Zhu, ZY (Zhu, Zheyuan) [1] ; Saiham, D (Saiham, Dewan) [1] ; Li, GF (Li, Guifang) [1] ; Pang, SS (Pang, Shuo s.) [1] "Iterative eigensolver using fixed-point photonic primitive" Optics Letters 49(2) pp.194-197 (2024)
John A. B. Aziz, Seth Smith-Dryden, Bahaa E. A. Saleh, and Guifang Li "Three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction using Voronoi weighting" Opt. Express 32, 20256-20267 (May 2024) (2024)
Zheyuan Zhu, Andrew B. Klein, Guifang Li, and Sean Pang "Fixed-point iterative linear inverse solver with extended precision" Scientific Reports 13(1) (2023)
Ning Wang, He Wen, Juan Carlos Alvarado Zacarias, Jose Enrique Antonio-Lopez, Yuanhang Zhang, Daniel Cruz Delgado, Pierre Sillard, Axel Schülzgen, Bahaa E. A. Saleh, Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa and Guifang Li "Laser2: A two-domain photon-phonon laser" Sci. Adv.9, eadg7841(2023) (2023)
N. Wang, H. Wen, J. C. Alvarado Zacarias, J. E. Antonio-Lopez, Y. Zhang, D. Cruz Delgado, P. Sillard, A. Schülzgen, B. EA Saleh, R. Amezcua-Correa, G. Li "Laser2: A two-domain photon-phonon laser" SCIENCE ADVANCES 9, eadg7841 (2023)
Smith-Dryden, S (Smith-Dryden, Seth) [1] ; Fan, SL (Fan, Shengli) [1] ; Li, GF (Li, Guifang) [1] ; Saleh, B (Saleh, Bahaa) [1] "Iterative optical diffraction tomography with embedded regularization" Optics Express, 31(1) pp.116-124 (2023)
Rachel Sampson, Huiyuan Liu, Guifang Li "Improving the sensitivity and bandwidth of time-of-flight scanning LIDAR using few-mode preamplified receivers" R. Sampson, H. Liu, G. Li, "Improving the sensitivity and bandwidth of time-of-flight scanning LIDAR using few-mode preamplified receivers," Opt. Eng. 61(12) 123106 (2022). (2022)
Vanani, FG (Vanani, Fatemeh Ghaedi) [1] ; Fardoost, A (Fardoost, Alireza) [1] ; Zhang, YH (Zhang, Yuanhang) [1] ; Zhu, ZY (Zhu, Zheyuan) [1] ; Wang, N (Wang, Ning) [1] ; Alvarado-Zacarias, JC (Alvarado-Zacarias, Juan Carlos) [1] ; Amezcua-Correa, R (Amezcua-Correa, Rodrigo) [1] ; Pang, S (Pang, Shuo) [1] ; Li, GF (LI, Guifang) [1] "Low-crosstalk mode-group demultiplexers based on Fabry-Perot thin-film filters" Optics Express, 30(22) pp. 39258-39268 (2022)
Li, GF (Li, Guifang) [1] ; Eggleton, B (Eggleton, Ben) [2] ; Essiambre, RJ (Essiambre, Rene-Jean) [3] ; Dai, DX (Dai, Daoxin) [4] ; Su, YK (Su, Yikai) [5] "Guest Editorial Special Issue on ACP 2021" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 34(16), pp. 837-837 (2022)
Y.H. Zhang, N.K. Fontiane, M. Mazur, H.S. Chen, R. Roland, G.F. Li and A. Blanco-Redondo "Impulse Response Characterization of a Commercial Multimode Fiber Using Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors" Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40(15), pp. 5107-5117 (2022)
Y.Y. Gao, D.W. Ge, L. Shen, Y.Q. He, Z.Y. Chen, G.F. Li and J.H. Li "Prototype of DSP-Free IM/DD MDM Transceiver for Datacenter Interconnection" Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40(5), pp. 1283-1295 (2022)
S. Smith-Dryden, S.L. Fan, B.E.A. Saleh and G.F. Li "Optical Diffraction Tomography by Use of Optimization and Phase-Based Fidelity Criterion" IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 27(4), A. 6800709 (2021)
S.L. Fan, S. Smith-Dryden, G.F. Li and B.E.A. Saleh "Optimization-based optical diffraction tomography using iODT initialization" Journal of the Optical Society of America A - Optics Image Science and Vision, 38(7), pp. 947-953 (2021)
Yikai Su, Yu He, Haoshuo Chen, Xiaoying Li, and Guifang Li "Perspective on mode-division multiplexing" Applied Physics Letters, 118, 200502 (2021) (2021)
Z. Zhu, J. Ulseth, G. Li, and S. Pang "Training of mixed-signal optical convolutional neural networks with reduced quantization levels" IEEE Access, 2169-3536 (2021) (2021)
R. Sampson, H. Wen, B. Huang, R. Amezcua-Correa, Y. Bromberg, H. Cao and G.F. Li "High-Speed Random-Channel Cryptography in Multimode Fibers" (2021)
Y.T. Huang, H.S. Chen, N.K. Fontaine, Y.H. Zhang, H.Z. Huang, M. Mazur, J.C. Alvarado-Zacarias, R. Ryfe, D.T. Neilson, G.F. Li, R. Amezcua-Correa, O.E. Carpenter, Y.X. Song and M. Wang "Optical Broadcasting Employing Incoherent and Low-Coherence Spatial Modes for Bi-Directional Optical Wireless Communications" Journal of Lightwave Technology, 39(3), pp. 833-838 (2021)
H. Wen, Y.H. Zhang, R. Sampson, N.K. Fontaine, N. Wang, S.L. Fan and G.F. Li "Scalable non-mode selective Hermite-Gaussian mode multiplexer based on multi-plane light conversion" Photonics Research, 9(2), pp. 88-97 (2021)
X. Tong, H.N. Liu, G.F. Li and L. Zhang "Waveguide-Based Photonic Antenna Tweezer for Optical Trapping" IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 27(1) (2021)
S.L. Fan, S. Smith-Dryden, G.F. Li and B.E.A. Saleh "Iterative optical diffraction tomography for illumination scanning configuration" Optics Express, 28(26), A. 413230 (2020)
Y.H. Zhang, N.K. Fontaine, H.S. Chen, R. Ryf, D.T. Neilson, J. Carpenter and G.F. Li "An ultra-broadband polarization-insensitive optical hybrid using multiplane light conversion" Journal of Lightwave Technology, 38(22), pp. 6286-6291 (2020)
A. Fardoost, F.G. Vanani, H. Wen and G.F. Li "Few-mode frequency-modulated LiDAR receivers" Optics Letters, 45(11), pp. 3127-3130 (2020)
H.Y. Liu, H. Wen and G.F. Li "Applications of weakly-coupled few-mode fibers (Invited)" Chinese Optics Letters, 18(4), A. 040601 (2020)
Z.X. Di, Z.Q. Yang, Y.P. Liu, G.J. Peng, L. Zhang and G.F. Li "Measurement of principal modes in few-mode fibers by S^2 method" IEEE Photonics Journal, 12(2) (2020)
N. Wang, J.C. Alvarado-Zacarias, M.S. Habib, H. Wen, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, P. Sillard, A. Amezcua-Correa, A. Schülzgen, R. Amezcua-Correa and G.F. Li "Mode-selective few-mode Brillouin fiber lasers based on intramodal and intermodal SBS" Optics Letters, 45(8), pp. 2323-2326 (2020)
Y.P. Liu, G.Y. Yang, N. Wang, L. Ma, J.C. Alvarado-Zacarias, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, P. Sillard, A. Amezcua-Correa, R. Amezcua-Correa, X.Y. Fan, Z.Y. He and G.F. Li "Observation on temperature and strain dependency of Brillouin dynamic grating in a few-mode fiber with a ring-cavity configuration" Optics Letters, 45(8), pp. 2152-2155 (2020)
H. Wen, H.Y. Liu, Y.H. Zhang, R. Sampson, S.L. Fan and G.F. Li "Scalable Hermite-Gaussian mode-demultiplexing hybrids" Optics Letters, 45(8), pp. 2219-2222 (2020)
S.L. Fan, S. Smith-Dryden, G.F. Li, and B.E.A. Saleh "Reconstructing complex refractive-index of multiply-scattering media by use of iterative optical diffraction tomography" Optics Express, 28(5), pp. 6846-6858 (2020)
Z. Jafari, J. Wang, Y.H. Guo, M.H. Yang, A. Zarifkar, H.N. Liu, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Efficient supercontinuum generation enabled by dispersion engineering in a dual-core waveguide" Optics Communications, 457, A. 124664 (2020)
M.X. He, Y.H. Guo, C.S. Li, X. Tong, H.A. Liu, G.F. Li and L. Zhang "Metasurface-based wide-angle beam steering for optical trapping" IEEE Access, 8, pp. 37275-37280 (2020)
M. Teng, A. Honardoost, Y. Alahmadi, S. S. Polkoo, K. Kojima, H. Wen, C.K. Renshaw , P. LiKamWa, G. F. Li, S. Fathpour, R. Safian, and L. M. Zhuang "Miniaturized Silicon Photonics Devices for Integrated Optical Signal Processors" IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 38, pp. 6-17, January 2020 (INVITED). (2020)
Y.Y. Gao, D.W. Ge, J. Cui, J.C. Jia, Y.Q. He, Z.Y. Chen, G.F. Li, and J.H. Li "Prototype system for real-time IM/DD MDM transmission based on multiple-ring-core FMF and degenerate-mode-selective reception" Optics Express, 27(26), pp. 38281-38288 (2019)
L.J. Xu, M.H. Yang, Y.H. Guo, H.N. Liu, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Ultrafast Pulse Manipulation in Dispersion-Flattened Waveguides With Four Zero-Dispersion Wavelengths" Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37(24), pp. 6174-6182 (2019)
N. Wang, I. Kim, O. Vassilieva, T. Ikeuchi, H. Wen, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, J.C. Alvarado-Zacarias, H.Y. Liu, S.L. Fan, M.S. Habib, R. Amezcua-Correa, and G.F. Li "Low-crosstalk few-mode EDFAs using retro-reflection for single-mode fiber trunk lines and networks" Optics Express, 27(24), pp. 35962-35970 (2019)
H.Y. Liu, B. Huang, J.C. Alvarado-Zacarias, H. Wen, H.S. Chen, N.K. Fontaine, R. Ryf, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, R. Amezcua-Correa, and G.F. Li "Turbulence-resistant FSO communication using a few-mode pre-amplified receiver" Scientific Reports, 9, 16247 (2019)
Y.H. Guo, Z. Jafari, L.J. Xu, C.J. Bao, P.C. Liao, G.F. Li, A.M. Agarwal, L.C. Kimerling, J. Michel, A.E. Willner, and L. Zhang "Ultra-flat dispersion in an integrated waveguide with five and six zero-dispersion wavelengths for mid-infrared photonics" Photonics Research, 7(11), pp. 1279-1286 (2019)
Y.Y. Gao, J. Cui, D.W. Ge, J.C. Jia, C.Y. Du, C. Xia, Y. Liu, Z.B. Li, Y.Q. He, Z.Y. Chen, J.H. Li, and G.F. Li "A degenerate-mode-selective coupler for stable DSP free MDM transmission" Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37(17), pp. 4410-4420 (2019)
H. Wen, H. Liu, Y. Zhang, P. Zhang, and G.F. Li "Mode demultiplexing hybrids for mode-division multiplexing coherent receivers" Photonics Research, 7(8), pp. 917-925 (2019)
Y. Zhang, M.A. Al-Mumin, H. Liu, C. Xu, L. Zhang, P.L. LiKamWa, and G.F. Li "An integrated few-mode power splitter based on multimode interference" Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37(13), pp. 3000-3008 (2019)
A. Fardoost, H. Wen, H. Liu, F.G. Vanani, and G.F. Li "Optimizing free space to few-mode fiber coupling efficiency" Applied Optics, 58(13), pp. D34-38 (2019)
Y. Wang, N. Zhao, Z. Yang, Z. Zhang, B. Huang and G.F. Li "Few-mode SDM receivers exploiting parallelism of free space" IEEE Photonics Journal, 11(1), pp. 1-11 (2019)
H. Liu, H. Wen, B. Huang, Z. Li, and G.F. Li "Low-cost and low-loss conversion of OM3 to OM4 MMFs using strong mode mixing" Optics Express, 27(4), pp. 5581-5587 (2019)
Y. Bromberg, B. Redding, S.M. Popoff, N. Zhao, G.F. Li, and H. Cao "Remote key establishment by random mode mixing in multimode fibers and optical reciprocity" Optical Engineering, 58(1) (2019)
H. Wen, H. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. Zhao, P. Sillard, R. Amezcua-Correa, and G.F. Li "Few-mode lensed fibers" Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36(24), pp. 5794-5799 (2018)
N. Wang, J.C. Alvarado-Zacarias, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, Z.S. Eznaveh, C. Gonnet, P. Sillard, S. Leon-Saval, A. Schülzgen, G.F. Li, and R. Amezcua-Correa "Transverse mode-switchable fiber laser based on a photonic lantern" Optics Express, 26(25), pp. 32777-32787 (2018)
M. Yang, L. Xu, J. Wang, H.N. Liu, X.Y. Zhou, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "An octave-spanning optical parametric amplifier based on a low-dispersion silicon-rich nitride waveguide" IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24(6), 8300607 (2018)
L. He, Y. Guo, Z. Han, K. Wada, J. Michel, A. M. Agarwal, L. C. Kimerling, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Broadband athermal waveguides and resonators for datacom and telecom applications" Photonics Research, 6(11), pp. 987-990 (2018)
M. Zhang, H.N. Liu, B. Wang, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Efficient grating couplers for space division multiplexing applications" IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24(6), 8200605 (2018)
H. Wen, Y. Alahamadi, P. LiKamWa, and G.F. Li "Modeling parametric processes in few-mode semiconductor optical amplifiers" IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24(6), 8000117 (2018)
S. Fan, S. Smith-Dryden, J. Zhao, S. Gausmann, A. Schülzgen,G.F. Li, and B.E.A. Saleh "Optical fiber refractive index profiling by iterative optical diffraction tomography" Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36(24), pp. 5754-5763 (2018)
W. Wang , J. Zhao , H. Yu, Z. Yang , Y. Zhang, Z. Zhang, C. Guo, and G.F. Li "Demonstration of 6 x 10-Gb/s MIMO-free polarization- and mode-multiplexed transmission" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 30(15), pp. 1372-1375 (2018)
Y. Guo, J. Wang, Z. Han, K. Wada, L.C. Kimerling, A.M. Agarwal, J. Michel, Z. Zheng, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Power-efficient generation of two-octave mid-IR frequency combs in a germanium microresonator" Nanophotonics, 7(8), pp. 1461-1467 (2018)
Z. Yang, J. Zhao, N. Bai, E. Ip, T. Wang, Z. Li, and G.F. Li "Experimental demonstration of adaptive VFF-RLS-FDE for long-distance mode-division multiplexed transmission" Optics Express, 26(14), pp. 18362-18367 (2018)
J. Wang, Y. Guo, H. Liu, L. Kimberling, J. Michel, A. Agarwal, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Robust cavity soliton formation with hybrid dispersion" Photonics Research, 6(6), pp. 647-651 (2018)
B. Huang, J.C. Alvarado Zacarias, H. Liu, N. K. Fontaine, H. Chen, R. Ryf, F. Poletti, J. R. Hayes, J. Antonio-Loppez, J. Zhao, R. Amezcua-Correa, and G. Li "Triple-clad photonic lanterns for mode scaling" Optics Express, 26(10), pp. 13390-13396 (2018)
Z. Zhang, C. Guo, L. Cui, Q. Mo, N. Zhao, C. Du, X. Li, and G.F. Li "21 spatial mode erbium-doped fiber amplifier for mode division multiplexing transmission" Optics Letters, 43, pp. 1550-1553 (2018)
H. Liu, X. Liu, F. Effenberger, N. Chand, X. Qi, and G.F. Li "Optical implementation of Butler matrix for hardware-efficient multiuser beamforming" IEEE Photonics Journal, 10(2), 5500708 (2018)
C. Guo, Z. Zhang, N. Zhao, L. Zhang, X. Li, and G.F. Li "Design of elliptical few-mode fibers for mode-coupling-free parametric amplification" Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 35(3), pp. 545-551 (2018)
H. Liu, H. Wen, B. Huang, R. Amezcua-Correa, P. Sillard, H. Chen, Z. Li, and G.F. Li "Reducing group delay spread using uniform long-period gratings" Scientific Reports, 8 (2018)
J. Zhao, I. Kim, O. Vassilieva, T. Ikeuchi, W. Wang, H. Wen, and G.F. Li "Minimizing the number of spans for terrestrial fiber-optic systems using quasi-single-mode transmission" IEEE Photonics Journal, 10(1), 7200110 (2018)
J. Wang, S.Y. Yu, and G.F. Li "Preface to the special issue on "Optical communications exploiting the space domain''" Optics Communications, 408, pp. 1-2 Special Issue (2018)
Y. Liu, Z. Yang, J. Zhao, L. Zhang, Z. Li, and G.F. Li "Intrinsic loss of few-mode fibers" Optics Express, 26(2), pp. 2107-2116 (2018)
J. Wang, Z.H. Han, Y.H. Guo, L.C. Kimerling, J. Michel, A.M. Agarwal, M. Anuradha, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Robust generation of frequency combs in a microresonator with strong and narrowband loss" Photonics Research, 5(6), pp. 552-556 (2017)
W. Wang, J. Zhao, L. Zhang, Q. Mo, Z.Q. Yang, C. Li, Z. Wang, Z.Z. Zhang, C. Carboni, and G.F. Li "4 x 10-Gb/s MIMO-free polarization and mode group multiplexing for data center applications" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29(20), pp. 1711-1714 (2017)
J. Wang, Y.H. Guo, H.N. Liu, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "A comparative analysis on fully integrated spectral broadening of kerr frequency combs" IEEE Photonics Journal, 9(5), 4502509 (2017)
B. Huang, H.S. Chen, N.K. Fontaine, R. Ryf, I. Giles, and G.F. Li "Large-bandwidth, low-loss, efficient mode mixing using long-period mechanical gratings" Optics Letters, 42(18), pp. 3594-3597 (2017)
L.Q. He, Y.H. Guo, Z.H. Han, K. Wada, L.C. Kimberling, J. Michel, A.M. Agarwal, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Loss reduction of silicon-on-insulator waveguides for deep mid-infrared applications" Optics Letters, 42(17), pp. 3454-3457 (2017)
H. Wen, H. Zheng, Q. Mo, A. M. Velázquez-Benítez, C. Xia, B. Huang, H. Liu, H. Yu, P. Sillard, J. E. Antonio-Lopez, R. Amezcua-Correa and G.F. Li "Few-mode fibre-optic microwave photonic links " Light-Science & Applications, 6, e17021 (2017)
M.H. Yang, Y.H. Guo, J. Wang, Z.H. Han, K. Wada, L.C. Kimberling, A.M. Agarwal, J. Michel, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Mid-IR supercontinuum generated in low-dispersion Ge-on-Si waveguides pumped by sub-ps pulses" Optics Express, 25(14), pp. 16116-16122 (2017)
Z.Q. Yang, R.L. Mi, NB. Zhao, L. Zhang, and G.F. Li "Simultaneous measurement of chromatic and modal dispersion in FMFs using microwave photonic techniques" IEEE Photonics Journal, 9(3), 5501409 (2017)
J. Li, F. Ren, T. Hu, Z. Li, Y. He, Z. Chen, Q. Mo, and G.F. Li "Recent progress in mode-division multiplexed passive optical networks with low modal crosstalk" Optical Fiber Technology, 35, pp.28-36 Invited (2017)
Y.H. Guo, Z. Jafari, A.M. Agarwal, L.C. Kimerling, G.F. Li, J. Michel, and L. Zhang "Bilayer dispersion-flattened waveguides with four zero-dispersion wavelengths" Optics Letters 41(21), pp.4939-4942 (2016)
H. Wen, Y. Alahmadi, P.L. LiKamWa, C. Xia, C. Carboni, and G.F. Li "Four-mode semiconductor optical amplifier" APL Photonics 1(7), 070801, Invited Article (2016)
Z. Wang, H. Wu, X.L. Hu, N.B. Zhao, Q. Mo, and G.F. Li "Rayleigh scattering in few-mode optical fibers" Scientific Reports 6, 35844 (2016)
B. Huang; H. Chen; N.K. Fontaine; C. Jin; K. Shang; R. Ryf; R. J. Essiambre; B. Ung; Y. Massadeq; S. LaRochelle; G.F. Li "Spatially and spectrally resolved gain characterization of space-division multiplexing amplifiers with coherent swept-wavelength reflectometry" Journal of Lightwave Technology, PP(99) (2016)
H. Chen, C. Jin, B. Huang, N.K. Fontaine, R. Ryf, K. Shang, N. Gregoire, S. Morency, R.J. Essiambre, G.F. Li, Y. Messaddeq, and S. LaRochelle "Integrated cladding-pumped multicore few-mode erbium-doped fibre amplifier for space-division-multiplexed communications" Nature Photonics 10(8), pp.529-533 (2016)
M. Parto, M.A. Eftekhar, M.A. Miri, R. Amezcua-Correa, G.F. Li, and D.N. Christodoulides "Systematic approach for designing zero-DGD coupled multi-core optical fibers" Optics Letters 41(9), pp.1917-1920 (2016)
H. Wen, C. Xia, A. Velazquez-Benitez, N. Chand, J. Antonio-Lopez, B. Huang, H. Liu, H. Zheng, P. Sillard, X. Liu, X, F. Effenberger, R. Amezcua-Correa, and G.F. Li "First demonstration of 6-mode PON achieving a record gain of 4 dB in upstream transmission loss budget" Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34(8), 1990-1996, 2016 (2016)
C. Carboni and G.F. Li "Novel applications of space-division multiplexing" Frontiers of Optoelectronics 9(2), pp.270-276 (2016)
C. Xia, M.A. Eftekhar, R. Amezcua-Correa, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, A. Schülzgen, D.N. Christodoulides, and G.F. Li "Supermodes in coupled multi-core waveguide structures" IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 22 (2), 4401212 (2016)
N.B. Zhao, X.Y. Li, G.F. Li, J.M. Kahn "Capacity limits of spatially multiplexed free-space communication" Nature Photonics 9(12), pp.822-826 (2015)
L. Jiang, L.S. Yan, Z.Y. Chen, A.L. Yi, Y. Pan, W. Pan, B. Luo, G.F. Li "Adaptive digital backward propagation based on variance of intensity noise" Chinese Optics Letters 13(11) (2015)
L. Jiang, L.S. Yan, A.L. Yi, Z.Y. Chen, Y. Pan, W. Pan, B. Luo, G.F. Li "Fast and adaptive chromatic dispersion compensation scheme for digital coherent systems utilizing two-stage estimation" Optics Express 23(12), pp.16177-16183 (2015)
B. Huang, N.K. Fontaine, R. Ryf, B.B. Guan, S.G. Leon-Saval, R. Shubochkin, Y. Sun, R. Lingle, G.F. Li "All-fiber mode-group-selective photonic lantern using graded-index multimode fibers" Optics Express 23(1), pp.224-234 (2015)
C. Xia, N. Chand, A.M. Velazquez-Benitez, Z.Q. Yang, X. Liu, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, H. Wen, B.Y. Zhu, N.B. Zhao, F. Effenberger, R. Amezcua Correa, G.F. Li "Time-division-multiplexed few-mode passive optical network" Optics Express 23(2), pp.1151-1158 (2015)
Guifang Li, Neng Bai, Ningbo Zhao, and Cen Xia "Space-division multiplexing: the next frontier in optical communication" Advances in Optics and Photonics 6, pp. 413-487 (2014)
J Zhang, Y Xie, GF Li, YT Ye, and BEA Saleh "Single-shot phase-shifting digital holography" Optical Engineering 53(11) (2014)
R. G. H. van Uden, R. Amezcua Correa, E. Antonio Lopez, F. M. Huijskens, C. Xia, G. Li, A. Schülzgen, H. de Waardt, A. M. J. Koonen, and C. M. Okonkwo "Ultra-High-Density Spatial Division Multiplexing with a Few-Mode Multicore Fibre" Nature Photonics 8 (11), pp. 865-870 (2014)
JP Li, XB Zhang, ZH Li, XG Zhang, GF Li, and C Lu "Theoretical studies on the polarization-modulator-based single-side-band modulator used for generation of optical multicarrier" Optics Express 22(12), pp. 14087-14095 (2014)
Cen Xia, Xiang Liu, S. Chandrasekhar, N. K. Fontaine, Likai Zhu, and G. Li "Multi-channel nonlinearity compensation of PDM-QPSK signals in dispersion-managed transmission using dispersion-folded digital backward propagation" Optics Express 22, pp. 5859-5866 (2014)
Qingming Chen, Chao Jin, Yuan Bao, Zhaohui Li, Jianping Li, Chao Lu, Liang Yang, and Guifang Li "A distributed fiber vibration sensor utilizing dispersion induced walk-off effect in a unidirectional Mach-Zehnder interferometer" Optics Express 22(3), pp. 2167-2173 (2014)
N. Bai, G. Li "Equalizer tap length requirement for mode group delay-compensated fiber link with weakly random mode coupling" Optics Express 22(4), pp. 4247-4255 (2014)
Jose Capmany, Guifang Li, Christina Lim, and Jianping Yao "Microwave Photonics: Current challenges towards widespread application" Optics Express 21(19), pp.22862-22867 (2013)
Chao Jin, Yuan Bao, Zhaohui Li, Tao Gui, Haiyan Shang, Xinhuan Feng, Jianping Li, Xingwen Yi, Changyuan Yu, Guifang Li, and Chao Lu "High-resolution optical spectrum characterization using optical channel estimation and spectrum stitching technique" Optics Letters 38(13), pp.2314-2316 (2013)
Neng Bai, Ezra Ip, Ming-jun Li, Ting Wang, Guifang Li "Experimental demonstration of adaptive frequency-domain equalization for mode-division multiplexed transmission" N. Bai, E. Ip, M. Li, T. Wang, and G. Li, "Experimental demonstration of adaptive frequency-domain equalization for mode-division multiplexed transmission," in Optical Fiber Communication Conference/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference 2013, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2013), paper OM2C.5. (2013)
Yuan Bao, Zhaohui Li, Jianping Li, Xinhuan Feng, Bai-ou Guan, and Guifang Li "Nonlinearity mitigation for high-speed optical OFDM transmitters using digital pre-distortion" Optics Express 21, pp. 7354-7361 (2013)
C. Xia, R. Amezcua-Correa, N. Bai, E. Antonio-Lopez, D. May Arrioja, A. Schülzgen, M. C. Richardson, J. Linares, C. Montero, E. Mateo, X. Zhou, and G. Li "Hole-Assisted Few-Mode Multicore Fiber for High-Density Space-Division Multiplexing" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 24(21), pp.1914-1917 (2012)
N. Bai, C. Xia, G. Li "Adaptive frequency-domain equalization for the transmission of the fundamental mode in a few-mode fiber" Optics Express 20(21), pp. 24010-24017 (2012)
I. Ozdur, H. Shu, M. Bass, and G. Li "Think Outside the Fiber: Imaging Amplifier for Space-Multiplexed Optical Transmission" IEEE Photonics Journal 4(5), pp.1316-1324 (2012)
N. Bai, and G. Li "Adaptive frequency domain equalization for mode-division multiplexed transmission (Invited)" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Special Issue 24(21) pp. 1918-1921 (2012)
N. Bai, E. Ip, Y. Huang, E. Mateo, F. Yaman, M. Li, S. Bickham, S. Ten, J. Liñares, C. Montero, V. Moreno, X. Prieto, V. Tse, K. M. Chung, A. Lau, H. Tam, C. Lu, Y. Luo, G. Peng, G. Li, and T. Wang "Mode-division multiplexed transmission with inline few-mode fiber amplifier" Optics Express 20, pp. 2668-2680 (2012)
L. Zhu and G. Li "Nonlinearity compensation using dispersion-folded digital backward propagation " Optics Express 20, pp.14362-14370 (2012)
Dagong Jia, Haiwei Zhang, Zhe Ji, Neng Bai, Guifang Li "Optical fiber amplifiers for space-division multiplexing" Frontiers of Optoelectronics Volume 5, Issue 4, pp 351-357(2012) (2012)
N. Bai, E. Ip, T. Wang, and G. Li "Multimode fiber amplifier with tunable modal gain using a reconfigurable multimode pump (Invited)" Optics Express 19(17), Focus Issue, pp. 16601-16611 (2011)
C. Xia, N. Bai, I. Ozdur, X. Zhou, and G. Li "Supermodes for optical transmission (invited)" Optics Express 19(17), Focus Issue, pp. 16653-16664 (2011)
Guifang Li "Amplification to Perfect" Nature Photonics vol. 5, pp. 385–386 (2011)
G. Li "Optical Communications Amplifying to perfection" Nature Photonics 5(7), pp. 385-386 (2011)
L. Zhu, and G. Li "Folded digital backward propagation for dispersion-managed fiber-optic transmission" Optics Express 19(7), pp. 5953-5959 (2011)
N. Bai, G. Li "Frequency-domain equalization for few-mode fiber transmission" Provisional Patent (2011)
E. F. Mateo, X. Zhou, and G. Li "Improved digital backward propagation for the compensation of inter-channel nonlinear effects in polarization-multiplexed WDM systems" Optics Express 19(2), pp. 570-583 (2011)
E. F. Mateo, X. Zhou, and G. Li "Selective Post-Compensation of Nonlinear Impairments in Polarization-Division Multiplexed WDM Systems with Different Channel Granularities " IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 47(1), pp. 109-116 (2011)
F. Yaman, N. Bai, Y.K. Huang, M.F. Huang, B. Zhu, T. Wang and G. Li "10 x 112Gb/s PDM-QPSK Transmission Over 5032 km in Few-Mode Fibers" Optical Express 18(20), pp. 21342-21349 (2010)
F. Yaman, N. Bai, Y. K. Huang, M. F. Huang, B. Zhu, T. Wang and G. Li "10 x 112Gb/s PDM-QPSK transmission over 5032 km in few-mode fibers" Optics Express, 18(20) 21342-21349 (2010)
X. Gao, M.A. Bassiouni, and G. Li "Effective Preemptive Scheduling Scheme for Optical Burst-Switched Networks with Cascaded Wavelength Conversion Consideration" Optical Engineering 49(3), 035004 (2010)
E.F. Mateo, F. Yaman, G.F. Li "Efficient Compensation of Inter-Channel Nonlinear Effects Via Digital Backward Propagation in WDM Optical Transmission" Optics Express 18(14), pp. 15144-15154 (2010)
L. Zhu, F. Yaman, G.F. Li "Experimental Demonstration of XPM Compensation for WDM Fibre Transmission" Electronics Letters 46(16), pp. 1140-U68 (2010)
X. Li and G. Li "Joint Fiber and SOA Impairment Compensation Using Digital Backward Propagation" IEEE Photonics Journal 2(5), pp. 753-758 (2010)
F. Yaman, N. Bai, B.Y. Zhu, T. Wang, G.F. Li "Long Distance Transmission in Few-Mode Fibers" Optics Express 18(12), pp. 13250-13257 (2010)
F. Yaman and G. Li "Nonlinear Impairment Compensation for Polarization-Division Multiplexed WDM Transmission Using Digital Backward Propagation (Invited)" IEEE Photonics Journal 2(5), pp. 816-832 (2010)
X.O. Xie, F. Yaman, X. Zhou, and G.F. Li "Polarization Demultiplexing by Independent Component Analysis" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 22(11), pp. 805-807 (2010)
Xin Chen, Xiaobo Xie, Inwoong Kim, Guifang Li, Hanyi Zhang, Bingkun Zhou "Coherent Detection Using Optical Time-Domain Sampling" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol.21, no.5, pp.286-288 (2009)
Eduardo F. Mateo and Guifang Li "Compensation of interchannel nonlinearities using enhanced coupled equations for digital backward propagation" Applied Optics, vol.48, no.25 (2009)
Likai Zhu, Xiaoxu Li, Eduardo Mateo, and Guifang Li "Complementary FIR Filter Pair for Distributed Impairment Compensation of WDM Fiber Transmission" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 292-294 (2009)
Gilad Goldfarb and Guifang Li "Efficient backward-propagation using waveletbased filtering for fiber backward-propagation" Optics Express, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 8815-8821 (2009)
Xiaoxu Li, Guifang Li "Electrical Postcompensation of SOA Impairments for Fiber-Optic Transmission" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol.21, no.9, pp.581-583 (2009)
Yaman, F.; Guifang Li "Nonlinear Impairment Compensation for Polarization-Division Multiplexed WDM Transmission Using Digital Backward Propagation" Photonics Journal, IEEE , vol.1, no.2, pp.144-152 (2009)
Kevin Croussore and Guifang Li "Phase-Regenerative Wavelength Conversion for BPSK and DPSK Signals" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 70-72 (2009)
Guifang Li "Recent advances in coherent optical communication" Advances in Optics and Photonics, Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 279-307 (2009)
Xiaoxu Li, Guifang Li "Static Gain, Optical Modulation Response, and Nonlinear Phase Noise in Saturated Quantum-Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers" IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol.45, no.5, pp.499-505 (2009)
Xingbo Gao, Mostafa A. Bassiouni, and Guifang Li "Addressing conversion cascading constraint in OBS networks through proactive routing" Photonic Network Communications (2008)
Eduardo Mateo, Fatih Yaman, and Guifang Li "Control of four-wave mixing phase-matching condition using the Brillouin slow-light effect in fibers" Optics Letters, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 488-490 (2008)
Gilad Goldfarb and Guifang Li "Demonstration of fibre impairment compensation using split-step infinite-impulse-response filtering method" Electronic Letters, Vol. 44, No. 13, pp.814-816 (2008)
Xiaoxu Li, Xin Chen, Gilad Goldfarb, Eduardo Mateo, Inwoong Kim, Fatih Yaman, and Guifang Li "Electronic post-compensation of WDM transmission impairments using coherent detection and digital signal processing" Optics Express, Vol. 16, Issue 2, pp. 880-888 (2008)
Gilad Goldfarb, Michael G. Taylor, and Guifang Li "Experimental Demonstration of Fiber Impairment Compensation Using the Split-Step Finite-Impulse-Response Filtering Method" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 20, No. 22, pp. 1887-1889 (2008)
Mário R. G. Leiria, Inwoong Kim, Adolfo V. T. Cartaxo, IEEE, and Guifang Li "Experimental Study of Pattern-Independent Phase Noise Accumulation in an All-Optical Clock Recovery Chain Based on Two-Section Gain-Coupled DFB Lasers" Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 26, No. 12, pp. 1661-1670 (2008)
Eduardo Mateo, Likai Zhu, and Guifang Li "Impact of XPM and FWM on the digital implementation of impairment compensation for WDM transmission using backward propagation" Opt. Express, Vol. 16, No. 20, pp.16124-16137 (2008)
Kevin Croussore and Guifang Li "Phase and Amplitude Regeneration of Differential Phase-Shift Keyed Signals Using Phase-Sensitive Amplification" IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 648-658 (2008)
Inwoong Kim, Kevin Croussore, Xiaoxu Li, and Guifang Li "All-Optical Carrier Synchronization Using a Phase-Sensitive Oscillator" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 19, No. 13, Page(s): 987-989 (2007)
Kevin Croussore and Guifang Li "Amplitude regeneration of RZ-DPSK signals based on four-wave mixing in fibre" Electronic Letters, Vol. 43 No. 3, pp. 177-178 (2007)
Gilad Goldfarb and Guifang Li "Chromatic Dispersion Compensation Using Digital IIR Filtering With Coherent Detection" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 19, No. 13, Page(s): 969-971 (2007)
Mounire El Houmaidi, Mostafa A. Bassiouni and Guifang Li "Contention resolution and QoS provisioning using sparse fiber delay lines in WDM networks" Photonic Network Communications, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 111-122 (2007)
Xingbo Gao, Mostafa A. Bassiouni and Guifang Li "Conversion cascading constraint-aware adaptive routing for WDM optical networks" Journal of Optical Networking, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 278-294 (2007)
Inwoong Kim, Gilad Goldfarb, and Guifang Li "Electronic wavefront correction for PSK free-space optical communications" Electronic Letters, Vol. 43, No. 20, pp. 1108-1109 (2007)
Mohammed Al-Mumin, Cheolhwan Kim, Inwoong Kim, Nazar Jaafar, Guifang Li "Injection locked multi-section gain-coupled dual mode DFB laser for terahertz generation" Optics Communications, 275, pp.186-189 (2007)
Xin Chen, Cheolhwan Kim, Guifang Li, Bingkun Zhou "Numerical Study of Lumped Dispersion Compensation for 40-Gb/s Return-to-Zero Differential Phase-Shift Keying Transmission" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp.568-570 (2007)
Gilad Goldfarb, Guifang Li, and Michael G. Taylor "Orthogonal Wavelength-Division Multiplexing Using Coherent Detection" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 19, No. 24, Page(s): 2015-2017 (2007)
Kevin Croussore, Guifang Li "Phase Regeneration of NRZ-DPSK Signals Based on Symmetric-Pump Phase-Sensitive Amplification" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 19, No. 11,Page(s): 864-866 (2007)
Bin Zhou, Mostafa A. Bassiouni, Guifang Li "Using constrained preemption to improve dropping fairness in optical burst switching networks" Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 34 (2007)
Gilad Goldfarb and Guifang Li "BER estimation of QPSK homodyne detection with carrier phase estimation using digital signal processing" Optics Express, Vol. 14, No. 18, pp. 8043-8053 (2006)
Zhihong Li and Guifang Li "Chromatic Dispersion and Polarization-Mode Dispersion Monitoring for RZ-DPSK Signals Based on Asynchronous Amplitude-Histogram Evaluation" Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 2859-2866 (2006)
Xiaoxu Li and Guifang Li "Comments on “Theoretical Analysis of Gain-Recovery Time and Chirp in QD-SOA”" Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 18, No. 22, pp. 2434-2435 (2006)
Mohammed Al-Mumin and Guifang Li "Comparison of quasi-symmetrical and asymmetrical mode beatings in two-section partially gain-coupled DFB lasers" Optical and Quantum Electronics Vol. 38, No. 12, pp 1045-1051 (2006)
Yan Han and Guifang Li "Experimental demonstration of direct-detection quaternary differential polarisation-phase-shift-keying with electrical multilevel decision" Electronic Letters, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 109-110 (2006)
Gilad Goldfarb, Cheolhwan Kim, and Guifang Li "Improved Chromatic Dispersion Tolerance for Optical Duobinary Transmission Using Coherent Detection" Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 517-519 (2006)
Zhihong Li and Guifang Li "In-Line Performance Monitoring for RZ-DPSK Signals Using Asynchronous Amplitude Histogram Evaluation" Photonics Technology Letters, Volume 18, Issue 3, pp. 472-474 (2006)
Zhihong Li and Guifang Li "Linear and Nonlinear Crosstalk Suppression for DWDM RZ-DPSK Transmitter Using a Saturated SOA as Power Booster Amplifier" Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 18, No. 7, pp. 811-813 (2006)
K. Croussore, I. Kim, C. Kim, Y. Han, and G. Li "Phase-and-amplitude regeneration of differential phase-shift keyed signals using a phase-sensitive amplifier" Optics Express, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 2085-2094 (2006)
Yan Han and Guifang Li "Theoretical Sensitivity of Direct-Detection Multilevel Modulation Formats for High Spectral Efficiency Optical Communications" IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 571-580 (2006)
Zhihong Li and Guifang Li "Ultrahigh-Speed Reconfigurable Logic Gates Based on Four-Wave Mixing in a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier" Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 1341-1343 (2006)
Inwoong Kim, Cheolhwan Kim, Guifang Li, Patrick LiKamWa, and Jin Hong "180-GHz Clock Recovery Using a Multisection Gain-Coupled Distributed Feedback Laser" Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 1295-1297 (2005)
Mounire El Houmaidi, Mostafa A. Bassiouni and Guifang Li "Alarm-based routing and path protection in survivable wavelength-routed all-optical mesh networks" Journal of Optical Networking, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 176-190 (2005)
Yan Han and Guifang Li "Coherent optical communication using polarization multiple-input-multiple-output" Optics Express, Vol. 13, No. 19, pp. 7527-7534 (2005)
Kevin Croussore, Inwoong Kim, Yan Han, Cheolhwan Kim, Guifang Li "Demonstration of phase-regeneration of DPSK signals based on phase-sensitive amplification" Optics Express, Vol. 13, No. 11, pp. 3945-3950 (2005)
Inwoong Kim, Cheolhwan Kim, Patrick L. LiKamWa, and Guifang Li "Dynamics of All-Optical Clock Recovery Using Two-Section Index- and Gain-Coupled DFB Lasers" Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 1704-1712 (2005)
Zhihong Li, Chao Lu, Yixin Wang, and Guifang Li "In-Service Signal Quality Monitoring and Multi-Impairment Discrimination Based on Asynchronous Amplitude Histogram Evaluation for NRZ-DPSK Systems" Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 17, No. 9, pp. 1998-2000 (2005)
Yan Han and Guifang Li "Noise statistics of and BER estimation using demodulated signals for direct detection differential polarization-phase-shift keying" Optics Express, Vol. 13, No. 7, pp. 2761-2766 (2005)
Yan Han and Guifang Li "Nonlinear effects in high-spectral-efficiency transmission using differential polarization-phase-shift keying" Optics Letters, Vol. 30, No. 16, pp. 2077-2079 (2005)
Cheolhwan Kim, Inwoong Kim, Guifang Li, Michael R. Lange, Timothy E. Dimmick, Patrick Langlois, and Benoit Reid "Optical Microwave/Millimeter-Wave Links Using Direct Modulation of Two-Section Gain-Coupled DFB Lasers" Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 17, No. 8, pp. 1734-1736 (2005)
Bin Zhou, Mostafa A. Bassiouni, Guifang Li "Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Optical Networks Using Logical Link Representation and Efficient Bitwise Computation" Photonic Network Communications, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 333–346 (2005)
Mohammed A. Al-Mumin and Guifang Li "Self-Consistent Simulation of Self-Pulsating Two-Section Gain-Coupled DFB Lasers" IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Volume 41, Issue 4, pages 525-531 (2005)
Yan Han and Guifang Li "Sensitivity Limits and Degradations in OD8PSK" Photonics Technology Letters, 17 (3), 720-722 (2005)
Cheolhwan Kim, Gilad Goldfarb, Yan Han, Zhihong Li, Xiaoxu Li, and Guifang Li "WDM Transmission over 320 km EDFA-Amplified SSMF Using 30 Gb/s Return-to-Zero Optical Differential 8-Level Phase-Shift Keying (OD8PSK)" Opt. Express 13(11) 4044-4049 (2005)
Li, X.; Kim, C.; Li, G. "All-optical passive clock extraction of 40 Gbit/s NRZ data using narrow-band filtering" Opt. Express 12(14) 3196-3203 (2004)
Li, X.; Kim, C.; Li, G. "Wavelength-insensitive all-optical clock extraction and enhancement of NRZ data using SOA and FBG" Opt. Eng. 43(10) 2210-2212 (2004)
Li, Y. H.; Croussore, K.; Kim, C.; Li, G. F. "All-optical 2R regeneration using data-pumped fibre parametric amplification" Electronics Letters. 39(17) 1263-1264 (2003)
Kim, C.; Kim, I.; Li, X.; Li, G. "All-optical clock recovery of NRZ data at 40 Gbit/s using Fabry-Perot filter and two-section gain-coupled DFB laser" Electronics Letters. 39(20) 1456-1458 (2003)
Li, Y. H.; Kim, C.; Li, G. F.; Kaneko, Y.; Jungennan, R. L.; Buccafusca, O. "Wavelength and polarization insensitive all-optical clock recovery from 96-Gb/s data by using a two-section gain-coupled DFB laser" Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. 15(4) 590-592 (2003)
Li, Y. H.; Li, G. F. "80 Gbit/s all-optical clock recovery using two-section gain-coupled DFB laser" Electronics Letters. 38(16) 892-893 (2002)
Mao, W. M.; Li, Y. H.; Al-Mumin, M.; Li, G. F. "All-optical clock recovery for both RZ and NRZ data" Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. 14(6) 873-875 (2002)
Mao, W. M.; Li, Y. H.; Al-Mumin, M.; Li, G. F. "All-optical clock recovery from RZ-format data by using a two-section gain-coupled DFB laser" Journal of Lightwave Technology. 20(9) 1705-1714 (2002)
Mao, W.; Li, Y.; Al-Mumin, M.; Li, G. "40 Gbit/s all-optical clock recovery using two-section gain-coupled DFB laser and semiconductor optical amplifier" Electronics Letters. 37(21) 1302-1303 (2001)
Al-Mumin, M.; Mao, W.; Li, Y.; Li, G. "40 GHz millimetre-wave link based on two-section gain-coupled DFB lasers" Electronics Letters. 37(14) 915-916 (2001)
Mao, W. M.; Al-Mumin, M.; Wang, X. H.; Li, G. F. "All-optical enhancement of clock and clock-to-data suppression ratio of NRZ data" Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. 13(3) 239-241 (2001)
Al-Mumin, M.; Wang, X. H.; Mao, W. M.; Pappert, S. A.; Li, G. F. "Optical generation and sideband injection locking of tunable 11-120GHz microwave/millimetre signals" Electronics Letters. 36(18) 1547-1548 (2000)
Wang, X. H.; Mao, W. M.; Al-Mumin, M.; Pappert, S. A.; Hong, J.; Li, G. F. "Optical generation of microwave/millimeter-wave signals using two-section gain-coupled DFB lasers" Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. 11(10) 1292-1294 (1999)
Wang, X. H.; Li, G. F.; Hong, J.; Pappert, S. A. "Spatiotemporal dynamics and high-frequency self-pulsations in two-section distributed feedback lasers" Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics. 16(11) 2030-2039 (1999)
Wang, X. H.; Li, G. F. "Subcarrier frequency enhancement of two-section Fabry-Perot laser diodes using external optical injection" Optics Communications. 171(1-3) 113-118 (1999)
Conference Proceedings
S. R. Thapa, S. Smith-Dryden, Z. Zhu, S. Pang and G. Li "Experimental demonstration of a non-mode selective MPLC (de)multiplexer" S. R. Thapa, S. Smith-Dryden, Z. Zhu, S. Pang and G. Li, "Experimental demonstration of a non-mode selective MPLC (de)multiplexer," 2023 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Orlando, FL, USA, 2023, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/IPC57732.2023.10360561. keywords: , (2023)
Alireza Fardoost, Fatemeh Ghaedi Vanani, Zheyuan Zhu, Christopher Doerr, Shuo Pang, Guifang Li "A High-Speed Photonic Tensor Accelerator" A. Fardoost, F. G. Vanani, Z. Zhu, C. Doerr, S. Pang and G. Li, "A High-Speed Photonic Tensor Accelerator," 2022 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2022, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/IPC53466.2022.9975540. (2022)
Alireza Fardoost; Fatemeh Ghaedi Vanani; Zheyuan Zhu; Christopher Doerr; Shuo Pang; Guifang Li "Vector-mode Multiplexing For Photonic Tensor Accelerator" 2022 27th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) and 2022 International Conference on Photonics in Switching and Computing (PSC) (2022)
Ning Wang, Juan Carlos Alvarado Zacarias, Yinping Liu, Guangyao Yang, He Wen, Jose Enrique Antonio-Lopez, Pierre Sillard, Adrian Amezcua-Correa, Zuyuan He, Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa, Guifang Li "Mode-selective few-mode Brillouin fiber laser and its application " Proceedings Volume 11665, Fiber Lasers XVIII: Technology and Systems; 116650I (2021) (2021)
Rachel Sampson, Fatemeh Ghaedi Vanani, Yuanhang Zhang, Huiyuan Liu, Alireza Fardoost, Ning Wang, He Wen, Juan Carlos Alvarado-Zacarias, Rodrigo Amezcua Correa, Guifang Li "Turbulence-Resistant Free-Space Optical Communications Using Few-Mode DPSK" Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper JTu2E.2. (2020)
Yinping Liu, Guangyao Yang, Ning Wang, Lin Ma, J. C. Alvarado-Zacarias, J. E. Antonio-Lopez, Pierre Sillard, A. Amezcua-Correa, R. Amezcua-Correa, Xinyu Fan, Zuyuan He, and Guifang Li "Investigation of Brillouin Dynamic Grating in 4-LP-mode Fiber with a Ring-cavity Configuration for Distributed Temperature and Strain Sensing Application" Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2020, Paper M2C.6 (2020)
H. Chen, N. K. Fontaine, Y. Zhang, M. Mazur, J. C. Alvarado-Zacarias, R. Ryf, D. T. Neilson, G. Li, R. Amezcua-Correa, and J. Carpenter, "Optical Broadcasting and Steering by Demultiplexing Incoherent Spatial Modes" Optical Fiber Communication Conference Postdeadline Papers 2020, (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper Th4B.7. (2020)
Shengli Fan; Seth D. Smith-Dryden; Jian Zhao; Guifang Li; Bahaa E. A. Saleh "Optical diffraction tomography with deep-field match optimization" Proceedings Volume 11249, Quantitative Phase Imaging VI; 112490E (2020) SPIE BiOS, 2020, San Francisco, California, United States (2020)
N. Wang, J.C. Alvarado-Zacarias, M.S. Habib, H. Wen, Y. Zhang, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, P. Sillard, A. Amezcua-Correa, R. Amezcua-Correa, and G.F. Li "High-order mode brillouin fiber lasers based on intra- and inter-modal SBS" Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), SM1L.1 (2019)
S. Fan, S. Smith-Dryden, G.F. Li, and B.E.A. Saleh "Reconstruction of multiple-scattering complex media by iterative optical diffraction tomography" Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), AM3I.2 (2019)
N. Wang, I. Kim, O. Vassilieva, T. Ikeuchi, H. Wen, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, J.C. Alvarado-Zacarias, P. Sillard, C. Gonnet, H. Liu, S. Fan, M.S. Habib, R. Amezcua-Correa, and G.F. Li "Low-crosstalk few-mode EDFA for single-mode fiber trunk lines and networks" Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Th1B.4 (2019)
J.C. Alvarado-Zacarias, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, M.S. Habib, S. Gausmann, N. Wang, D. Cruz-Delgado, G.F. Li, A. Schülzgen, A. Amezcua-Correa, L.A. Demontmorillon, P. Sillard, and R. Amezcua-Correa "Low-loss 19 core fan-in/fan-out device using reduced-cladding graded index fibers" Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Th3D.2 (2019)
R. Sampson, H. Liu, X. Su, B. Huang, J.C. Alvarado-Zacarias, T. Zhan, R. Amezcua-Correa, and G.F. Li "Turbulence-resistant free-space communication using few-mode pre-amplifiers" Proceedings Volume 10947, Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems VIII; 1094707 (2019)
R. Sampson, H. Liu, H. Wen, Y. Zhang, R. Stegeman, P. Zhang, B. Huang, N. Wang, S. Fan, J.C. Alvarado Zacarias, R. Amezcua-Correa, and G. Li "Improving the sensitivity of LiDARs using few-mode pre-amplified receivers" OSA FIO, Washington, DC, paper FW7A.2 (2018)
S. Fan, S. Smith-Dryden, G.F. Li, and B.E.A Saleh "Iterative Forward-Backward Algorithm for Optical Diffraction Tomography" OSA FIO, Washington, DC (2018)
N. Wang, M.S. Habib, F. Jia, G.F. Li and R. Amezcua-Correa "Near-IR to mid-IR supercontinuum generation for high-order modes using AsSe multimode fiber" IEEE Photonics Summer Topical Meeting, Waikoloa Village, HI, pp. 135-136 (2018)
Y. Zhang, M.A. Al-Mumin, H. Liu, C. Xu, L. Zhang, P.L. LiKamWa and G.F. Li "Integrated power splitters for mode-multiplexed signals" CLEO: QELS Fundamental Science, paper JW2A-46 (2018)
J.C. Alvarado-Zacarias, N.K. Fontaine, H. Chen, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, S. Wittek, J. Li, S. Gausmann, R. Ryf, C. Gonnet, A. Amezcua-Correa, M. Bigot, A. Schülzgen, G.F. Li, P. Sillard, and R. Amezcua-Correa "Coupled-core EDFA compatible with FMF transmission" OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference, paper Th4A.3 (2018)
H. Liu, H. Wen, J.C. Alvarado Zacarias, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, N. Wang, P. Sillard, R. Amezcua-Correa, and G.F. Li "Demonstration of stable 3x10 Gb/s mode group-multiplexed transmission over a 20 km few-mode fiber" OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference, paper W4J.2 (2018)
R. Amezcua-Correa, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, Z. Sanjabi Eznaveh, J.C. Alvarado Zacarias, A. Schülzgen, G.F. Li, N. Fontaine, R. Ryf, H. Chen, C. Gonnet, and P. Sillard "Low-differential modal gain multimode fiber amplifiers" SPIE Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems VII (2018)
R. Amezcua-Correa, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, Z.S. Eznaveh, J.C. Alvarado Zacarias, A. Schülzgen, G.F. Li, N. Fontaine, R. Ryf, H. Chen, C. Gonnet, and P. Sillard "Low-differential modal gain multimode fiber amplifiers" SPIE Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems VII, 105610G (2018)
N. Wang, Z. Sanjabi Eznaveh, J.C. Alvarado Zacarias, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, S. Leon-Saval, P. Sillard, C. Gonnet, A. Schülzgen, G.F. Li and R. Amezcua-Correa "Erbium-doped fiber amplifier for OAM modes using an annular-core photonic lantern" Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, California, STu4K.4 (2017)
B. Huang, J.C. Alvarado-Zacarias, N.K. Fontaine, H. Chen, R. Ryf, F. Poletti, J.R. Hayes, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, R. Amezcua-Correa, and G.F. Li "10-mode photonic lanterns using low-index micro-structured drilling preforms" Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC), Los Angeles, California, Tu3J.5 (2017)
H. Liu, H. Wen, J.C.A. Zacarias, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, N. Wang, P. Sillard, A. Amezcua-Correa, R. Amezcua-Correa, and G.F. Li "3x10 Gb/s mode group-multiplexed transmission over a 20 km few-mode fiber using photonic lanterns" Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC), Los Angeles, California, M2D.5 (2017)
J.M. Kahn, G.F. Li, X. Li, and N.B. Zhao "Capacity limits for free-space channels" Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC), Los Angeles, California (2017)
J.M. Kahn, G.F. Li, X. Li, and N. Zhao "Capacity limits for spatially multiplexed free-space communication" Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC), Los Angeles, California, W1B.3 (2017)
C. Guo, Z. Zhang, N. Zhao, L. Zhang, X. Li, and G.F. Li "Design of elliptical-core few-mode fibers for optical parametric amplification" Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC), Los Angeles, California, W2A.20 (2017)
H. Chen, B. Huang, N.K. Fontaine, R. Ryf, J.C. Alvarado, Z.S. Eznaveh, A. Schülzgen, P. Sillard, C. Gonnet, J.E.A. Lopez, G. Li, R. Amezcua-Correa "Mode-dependent gain characterization of erbium-doped multimode fiber using C-2 imaging" Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC), Los Angeles, California, Th2A.12 (2017)
H. Liu, H. Wen, R. Amezcua-Correa, P. Sillard, and G.F. Li "Reducing group delay spread in a 9-LP mode FMF using uniform long-period gratings" Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC), Los Angeles, California, Tu2J.5 (2017)
R. Mi, N. Zhao, Z. Yang, L. Zhang,and G.F. Li "Simultaneous measurement of chromatic and modal dispersion in FMFs using microwave photonic techniques" Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC), Los Angeles, California, Th2A.48 (2017)
L. Yu, J. Zhao, Q. Mo, L. Zhang, and G.F. Li "Simultaneous measurement of temperature and strain based on a polarization-maintaining few-mode fiber" Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC), Los Angeles, California, Paper W3H.6 (2017)
Z.S. Eznaveh, N.K. Fontaine, H. Chen, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, J.C.A. Zacarias, B. Huang, A. Amezcua-Correa, P. Sillard, G.F. Li, A. Schülzgen, R. Ryf, and R.A. Correa "Ultra-Low DMG multimode EDFA" Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC), Los Angeles, California, Th4A.4 (2017)
H. Tian, L.C. Kimerling, J. Michel, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Multipath trapping dynamics of nanoparticles towards an integrated waveguide with a high index contrast" Microfluids, Biomems, and Medical Microsystems XV, Proceedings of SPIE, 10061 (2017)
R. Mi, N. Zhao, Z. Yang, L. Zhang, and G.F. Li "Integrated chromatic and modal dispersion measurement using microwave photonic techniques" Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, Wuhan China, November, paper AS3G.2 (2016)
N. Wang, J. Enrique Antonio-Lopez, J.C. Alvarado Zacarias, Z. Sanjabi Eznaveh, H. Wen, P. Sillard, S. Leon-Saval, A. A. Schülzgen, R. Amezcua-Correa, and G.F. Li "Mode-selective fiber laser using a photonic lantern" ECOC 2016 - 42nd European Conference on Optical Communication, Dusseldorf, Germany (2016)
L. He, Y. Guo, Z. Han, K. Wada, L. C. Kimerling, J. Michel, A. M. Agarwal, G.F. Li and L. Zhang "Low-loss SOI waveguides at Mid-IR wavelengths (4800 nm) using the second-order TE mode" IEEE 13th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), Berlin Germany, paper FB3 (2016)
M. Yang, Y. Guo, J. Wang, Z. Han, K. Wada, L. C. Kimerling, A. M. Agarwal, J. Michel, G.F. Li and L. Zhang "Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in a low-dispersion Ge-on-Si waveguide using sub-picosecond pulses" IEEE 13th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), Berlin Germany, paper WD4 (2016)
J. Wang, Z. Han, Y. Guo, L.C. Kimerling, J. Michel, A.M. Agarwal, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Robust generation of Kerr frequency combs with strong and localized spectral loss" IEEE 13th International Conference on Group IV Photonics (GFP), Berlin Germany, paper FA5 (2016)
J.M. Kahn, G.F. Li, X. Li, and N. Zhao "Are OAM states an optimal basis for spatially multiplexed free-space links?" IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM), Newport Beach, CA, July, Invited (2016)
G.F. Li "Space-division multiplexing for PON applications" OSA Signal Processing in Photonic Communications, Vancouver Canada, July, paper SpTu3F.1, Invited (2016)
Y. Guo, J. Wang, Z. Han, L. C. Kimerling, A. M. Agarwal, J. Michel, Z. Zheng, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Mid-IR Kerr frequency comb generation from 4000 to 10000 nm in a CMOS-compatible Germanium microcavity" CLEO, San Jose, CA, June, paper JTh2A.92 (2016)
J. Wang, Y. Guo, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "On-chip spectral broadening of Kerr frequency combs: towards a fully integrated frequency metrology system with f-2f self-reference" CLEO, San Jose, CA, June, paper JTh2A.135 (2016)
J.M. Kahn, G.F. Li, X. Li, and N. Zhao "To twist or not to twist: capacity limits for free-space channels" OSA Signal Processing in Photonic Communications, Boston, Massachusetts, June, paper SpM4E.1, Invited (2016)
J. Wang, Y. Guo, G. Li and L. Zhang "On-chip spectral broadening of Kerr frequency combs: towards a fully integrated frequency metrology system with f-2f self-reference" Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) (2016)
H. Wen, Q. Mo, P. Sillard, R. Amezcua-Correa, and G.F. Li "Analog transmission over few-mode fibers" OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, CA, March, paper Th4A.3 (2016)
H. Wen, Y. Alahmadi, P.L. LiKamwa, C. Xia, C. Carboni, G.F. Li "Four-mode semiconductor optical amplifier" SPIE 9774, Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems V, 977406, Invited (2016)
Y. Guo, J. Wang, Z. Han, Z. Jafari, A. Zarifkar, J. Hu, A. M. Agarwal, L. C. Kimerling, J. Michel, and L. Zhang "Wavelength-flexible Kerr frequency comb generation covering a 2000-nm bandwidth in mid-infrared" OSA Mid-Infrared Coherent Sources (MICS), Long Beach, CA, March, paper MM1C.4 (2016)
B. Huang, H. Chen, N. K. Fontaine, C. Jin, K. Shang, R. Ryf, R. Essiambre, B. Ung, Y. Messaddeq, S. LaRochelle, and G.F. Li "Characterization of space-division multiplexing amplifiers using a swept wavelength coherent reflectometer" OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Los Angeles, CA, March, paper W4F.2 (2016)
L. Yu, J. Zhao, G.F. Li, and Q. Mo "The beat-length of polarization maintaining few-mode-fiber measurement based on polarized interference" 15th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks, Hangzhou, China, paper T2-O-11, September (2016)
Gisela LÓPEZ-GALMICHE, Zeinab Sanjabi Eznaveh, Luis A. Herrera Piad, Amado M. Velazquez-Benitez, Jorge Rodriguez-Asomoza, Enrique Antonio-Lopez, Jose J. Sanchez-Mondragon, Cedric Gonnet, Pierre SILLARD, Guifang Li, Axel Schülzgen, Chigo Okonkwo, and Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa "Six Mode Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier Using Mode Selective Photonic Lantern" Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2015 OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2015), paper AM2B.5 (2015)
H. Wen, H. Zheng, Q. Mo, A.M. Velazquez-Benitez, C. Xia, B. Huang, H. Liu, H, Yu; J.E.A. Lopez, R. Amezcua Correa, G.F. Li "Analog fiber-optic links using high-order fiber modes" European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Valencia, Spain (2015)
C. Xia, H. Wen, A.M. Velazquez-Benitez, N. Chand, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, B. Huang, H. Liu, H.J. Zheng, P. Sillard, X. Liu, F. Effenberger, R. Amezcua Correa, G.F. Li "Experimental demonstration of 5-mode PON achieving a net gain of 4 dB in upstream transmission loss budget" European Conference on Optical Communication, Valencia, Spain (2015)
Y. Li, N. Hua, X. Zheng, G.F. Li "Capex advantages of few-mode fiber networks" OFC, Th2A.43 (2015)
H. Wen, H. Zheng, B. Zhu, G.F. Li "Experimental demonstration of long-distanceanalog transmission over few-mode fibers" OFC, M3E.2 (2015)
B. Huang, N.K. Fontaine, R. Ryf, B. Guan, S.G. Leon-Saval, R. Shubochkin, Y. Sun, R. Lingle Jr, G.F. Li "Mode-group-selective photonic lantern using graded-index multimode fibers" OFC, W2A.9 (2015)
J. Zhao, N. Zhao and G.F. Li "SDM using parallelism of free space" SPIE Photonics West Conference on Next Generation Optical Communication (2015)
H. Wen, H.J. Zheng, B.Y. Zhu and G.F. Li "Experimental Demonstration of Long-Distance Analog Transmission over Few-Mode Fibers " Optical Fiber Communication Conference (2015)
Cen Xia, Amado M. Velázquez-Benítez, Jose Enrique Antonio Lopez, Wen He, Axel Schülzgen, Frank Effenburger, Rodrigo Amezcua Correa, and Guifang Li "TDMA Few-Mode Passive Optical Network" Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2014 OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2014), paper ATh2F.2, Shanghai China, 11–14 November 2014 (2014)
R. G. H. van Uden, R. Amezcua-Correa, E. Antonio-Lopez, F. M. Huijskens, G. Li, A. Schülzgen, H. de Waardt, A. M. J. Koonen, and C. Okonkwo "1 km Hole-Assisted Few-Mode Multi-Core Fiber 32QAM WDM Transmission" 40th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication ECOC, paper: Mo.3.3.4 (2014)
Cen Xia, Naresh Chand, A. M. Velázquez-Benítez, Xiang Liu, Jose Enrique Antonio Lopez, He Wen, Benyuan Zhu, Frank Effenberger, Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa and Guifang Li "Demonstration of World’s First Few-Mode GPON" Proceedings of ECOC, Postdeadline paper (2014)
R. G. H. van Uden, R. Amezcua-Correa, E. Antonio-Lopez, F. M. Huijskens, G. Li, A. Schülzgen, H. de Waardt, T. Koonen, and C. Okonkwo "16 QAM SDM-WDM Transmission over a Novel Hole-Assisted Few-Mode Multi-Core Fiber" IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals 2014, paper: ME3.2 (2014)
Guifang Li "The Future of Space-Division Multiplexing and Its Applications" Proceedings of CLEO-PR & OECC/PS 2013, paper #MR2-1 (2013)
Bin Huang ; Amezcua-Correa, R. ; Xiaoying Li ; Guifang Li "Few-mode fiber optical parametric amplifier" Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC), 2013 (2013)
Cen Xia; Neng Bai; Amezcua-Correa, R.; Antonio-Lopez, E.; Schulzgen, A.; Richardson, M.; Xiang Zhou; Guifang Li "Supermodes in strongly-coupled multi-core fibers" in Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC), 2013 , vol., no., pp.1-3, 17-21 March 2013 (2013)
Cen Xia, Xiang Liu, S. Chandrasekhar, Nicolas K. Fontaine, Likai Zhu, and Guifang Li "Multi-channel Nonlinearity Compensation of 128-Gb/s PDM-QPSK Signals in Dispersion-Managed Transmission Using Dispersion-Folded Digital Backward Propagation" Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2014), paper Tu3A.5. (2013)
C. Xia, N. Bai, R. Amezcua-Correa, E. Antonio-Lopez, A. Schülzgen, M. Richardson, X. Zhou, and G. Li "Hole-Assisted Few-Mode Multi-Core Fiber for High-Density Space-Division Multiplexing" Photonics Society Summer Topicals, IEEE 2012, page 206 (2012)
N. Bai, E. Ip, Y. Luo, G. Peng, T. Wang, and G. Li, "Experimental Study on Multimode Fiber Amplifier Using Modal Reconfigurable Pump" OFC 2012, OW1D.3 (2012)
N. Bai, G. Li "Adaptive Frequency Domain Equalization for Mode-Division Multiplexed Transmission" IEEE Summer Topical Conference, Seattle, Paper MC4.3 (2012) (2012)
N. Bai, E. Ip, Y. Luo, G. Peng, T. Wang, and G. Li "Experimental Study on Multimode Fiber Amplifier Using Modal Reconfigurable Pump " Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2012), paper OW1D.3. (2012)
C. Xia, R. Amezcua-Correa, N. Bai, E. Antonio-Lopez, D. May-Arriojo, A. Schülzgen, M. Richardson, J. Linares, C. Montero, E. Mateo, X. Zhou, and G. Li "Hole-Assisted Few-Mode Multi-Core Fiber for High-Density Space-Division Multiplexing" IEEE Summer Topicals 2012, paper: TuC4.2, Seattle (USA) (2012)
Sana Tariq, Mostafa Bassiouni and Guifang Li "Improving Fairness of OBS Routing Protocols in Multimode Fiber Networks" Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, January 28-31, 2013 (2012)
C. Xia, R. Amezcua-Correa, N. Bai, E. Antonio-Lopez, D. May-Arriojo, A. Schülzgen, M. Richardson, J. Linares, C. Montero, E. Mateo, X. Zhou, and G. Li "Low-Crosstalk Few-Mode Multi-core Fiber for High-Mode-Density Space-Division Multiplexing " European Conference on Optical Communication ECOC 2012, paper: Mo.1.F.5, Amsterdam (Netherlands) (2012) (2012)
N. Bai, E. Ip, T. Wang and G. Li "Multimode fiber amplifier with tunable modal gain using a reconfigurable multimode pump" Photonics West (2012)
X. Cen, N. Bai, I. Ozdur and G. Li "Supermode for optical transmission" Photonics West (2012) (2012)
E. Ip, N. Bai, Y. Huang, E. Mateo1, F. Yaman, M. Li, S. Bickham, S. Ten, Y.Luo, G. Peng, G. Li, T. Wang, J. Linares, C.Montero, V. Moreno "6x6 MIMO Transmission over 50+25+10 km Heterogeneous Spans of Few-Mode Fiber with Inline Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier" OFC 2012, OTu2C.4 (2011)
Guifang Li "Coherent optical communication and imaging (Keynote Speech)" SPIE Defense and Security (2011) (2011)
E. Ip, N. Bai, Y. Huang, E. Mateo, F. Yaman, S. Bickham, H. Tam, C. Lu, M. Li, S. Ten, A. P. T. Lau, V. Tse, G. Peng, C. Montero, X. Prieto, and G. Li "88×3×112-Gb/s WDM Transmission over 50-km of Three-Mode Fiber with Inline Multimode Fiber Amplifier (Postdeadline Paper)" 37th European Conference and Exposition on Optical Communications, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2011), Postdeadline Paper (2011)
Guifang Li "Coherent optical technologies for free-space communication and sensing (Invited Paper)" OSA Summer Congress, Toronton, Canada (2011). (2011)
G. Li "Nonlinearity compensation using digital coherent receiver I(Invited)" OFC (2011)
Xiaobo Xie, Xiang Zhou and Guifang Li "Polarization demultiplexing using independent component analysis" Photonics West (2011) (2011)
Guifang Li "Spatial multiplexing: current status and future outlook (Invited)" ACP (2011) (2011)
G. Li "Coherent Free-Space Optical Communication Using Electronic Wavefront Correction" OSA Winter Topical Meeting (Invited) (2010)
G. Li "Digital Compensation of Fiber Nonlinearities" OSA Annual Meeting (Invited Paper) (2010)
G. Li "Needle-in-the-Haystack Secure Optical Communication" SPIE Defense and Security (Invited) (2010)
L. Zhu, E. Mateo and G. Li "Nonlinearity Compensation for Raman-amplified Optical Transmission Systems" Enabling Photonics Technologies for Defense, Security, and Aerospace Applications Conference (2010)
F. Yaman, X. Xie, T. Wang, and G. Li "Silicon Photonic Crystal Fiber" ECOC 2010 (Invited) (2010)
J. A. B. Aziz, S. Smith-Dryden, G. Li and B. E. A. Saleh "Selection of Illumination Angles for Object Rotation and Illumination Scanning Configurations in Optical Diffraction Tomography" IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Orlando, FL, November, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/IPC57732.2023.10360673 (2024)
J. A. B. Aziz, S. Smith-Dryden, G. Li and B. E. A. Saleh "Voronoi Weighting for Optical Diffraction Tomography using Nonuniform Illumination Angles" IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Orlando, FL, November 2023, DOI: 10.1109/IPC57732.2023.10360744 (2024)
S. Pang, G. Li "A photonic accelerator for large-scale artificial neural networks," SPIE Photonics West, OPTO, 2021, San Francisco, California. (2021)
Y. Gao, J. Li, C. Du, C. Xia, Y. Liu, Z. Li, Y. He, Z. Chen and G.F. Li "Non-circularly-symmetric mode-group demultiplexer based on fused-type FMF coupler for MGM transmission" Optical Fiber Communication Conference, paper Th1K.5 (2018)
H. Liu, H. Chen, N. K. Fontaine, R.R., J. Chen , Q. Zhang , Y. Li, C. Jin, S. LaRochelle and G.F. Li "Pump mode characterization of annular cladding Erbium-doped fibers using low-coherence interferometry" Optical Fiber Communication Conference, paper W4J.2 (2018)
J. Wang, L. Xu, Y. Guo, L. C. Kimerling, J. Michel, A.M. Agarwal, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Agile generation of microresonator-based frequency combs without pump detuning and local temperature controlling" SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, 10518, pp. 10518-18 (2018)
L. He, Y. Guo, Z. Han, K. Wada, L. C. Kimerling, J. Michel, A. M. Agarwal, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Broadband athermal waveguides and devices for datacom and telecom applications" SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, 10537, pp. 10537-64 (2018)
L. Xu, L. He, Y. Guo, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Broadband temperature-insensitivity of dispersion-engineered waveguides and resonators" SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, 10516, pp. 10516-51 (2018)
M. Yang, Y. Guo, C. Bao, P. Liao, A.E. Willner, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Efficient octave-spanning frequency comb generation in normal dispersion regime" SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, 10518, pp. 10518-72 (2018)
M. Zhang, H. Liu, G.F. Li, and L. Zhang "Highly efficient grating couplers with mode conversion functions" SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, 10535, pp. 10535-59 (2018)
Y. Guo, L. Xu, Z. Jafari, A.M. Agarwal, L.C. Kimerling, G.F. Li, J. Michel, and L. Zhang "Two-octave dispersion flattening with five zero-dispersion wavelengths in the deep mid-IR" SPIE Photonics Wes1, San Francisco, CA, 10541, pp. 10541-88 (2018)
G.F. Li "Few-mode multicore fibers and fiber devices" 2017 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Paper Su3A.1 (2017)
S. Fan, S. Smith-Dryden, G. Li and B. E. A. Saleh "An iterative reconstruction algorithm for optical diffraction tomography" 2017 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Orlando, FL, 2017, pp. 671-672 (2017)
L. Zhang, J. Wang, L. Xu, L. He, L. C. Kimerling, A. M. Agarwal, J. Michel and G. Li "Ring-resonator-based multi-wavelength source for on-chip optical signal processing" Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) Pacific Rim 2017, (IEEE&OSA, July 31-Aug. 4, 2017, Singapore). (2017)
L. Zhang, J. Wang, Y. Guo, Z. Han, L. C. Kimerling, A. M. Agarwal, J. Michel and G. Li "Towards on-chip spectroscopy based on a single microresonator," International Conference on Optical Instrument & Technology, (SPIE, Oct. 28-30, Beijing, China). (2017)
Seth Smith-Dryden, Shengli Fan, Guifang Li, and Bahaa Saleh "Time-Gated Optical Diffraction Tomography" OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper FW5D.4 (2017)
Bin Huang, Christian Carboni, Huiyuan Liu, Juan Carlos Alvarado Zacarias, Fengling Peng, Yun-Han Lee, Haoshuo Chen, Nicolas Fontaine, Roland Ryf, Jose Enrique Antonio-Lopez, Rodrigo Amezcua Correa and Guifang Li "Turbulence-Resistant Free-Space Optical Communication Using Few-Mode Preamplified Receivers" 2017 EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL COMMUNICATION RD EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL COMMUNICATION, paper Tu.2.E.4 (2017)
Guifang Li, He Wen, Huang Yu, Pierre Sillard and Rodrigo Amezcua Correa "Weakly-coupled Few-Mode Fibers and their Applications" 2017 EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL COMMUNICATION RD EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL COMMUNICATION, paper W.2.F.1 (2017)
L. Zhang, H. Tian, H. Liu, G. Li, L. C. Kimerling and J. Michel "Multipath trapping dynamics of nanoparticles towards an integrated silicon slot waveguide" Silicon Photonics Symposium of the 7th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics 2017 (July 25-27, Singapore, 2017). (2017)
Wei Wang, Jian Zhao, Lin Zhang, Qi Mo, Zhiqun Yang, Chao Li, Zhenzhen Zhang, Cheng Guo and Guifang Li "4x10 Gb/s Polarization- and Mode Group-Multiplexing for Data Center Applications," 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, paper SW1I.5 (2017)
Ning Wang, Z. Sanjabi Eznaveh, Juan Carlos Alvarado Zacarias, Jose E.Antonio-Lopez, Sergio Leon-Saval, Pierre Sillard, Cedric Gonnet, Axel Schülzgen, Guifang Li, and Rodrigo A. Correa "Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier for OAM Modes Using an Annular-Core Photonic Lantern" 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, paper STu4K.4 (2017)
Ning Wang, Z. Sanjabi Eznaveh, Juan Carlos Alvarado Zacarias, Jose E.Antonio-Lopez, Sergio Leon-Saval, Pierre Sillard, Cedric Gonnet, Axel Schülzgen, Guifang Li, and Rodrigo A. Correa "Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier for OAM Modes Using an Annular-Core Photonic Lantern" 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, paper STu4K.4 (2017)
Chao Li, Jian Zhao, Lin Zhang, Qi Mo, Zhiqun Yang, Wei Wang and Guifang Li "Long-haul Transmission of 4x100 Gb/s DP-QPSK Signals over 2800 km with Span Lengths Greater than 250 km" 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics STu3M.4 (2017)
Zhen Wang, Xiaolong Hu, Muyang Lin, Qi Mo, He Wen and Guifang Li "Measurements of Polarization Crosstalk in a Polarization-Maintaining Few-Mode Optical Fiber" 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, paper JW2A.70. (2017)
G.F. Li, Y. Bromberg, B. Redding, S. Popoff, N. Zhao, and H. Cao "Classical key distribution in optical communication" SPIE 10130, Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems VI (2017)
G.F. Li, Y. Bromberg, B. Redding, S. Popoff, N. Zhao, and H. Cao "Classical key distribution in optical communication" SPIE 10130, Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems VI (2017)
Axel Schulzgen, Amy Van Newkirk, James Anderson, Guillermo Salceda-Delgado, Zeinab S. Eznaveh, Jose E. Antonio-Lopez, Cen Xia, Guifang Li, Roy G. van Uden, Frans M. Huijskens, Hugo de Waardt, Ton A. Koonen, Chigo Okonkwo, and Rodrigo Amezcua Correa "Multicore Fibers" Workshop on Specialty Optical Fibers and Their Applications OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2015), paper WF3A.1 (2015)
G.F. Li "Optical Fiber Communication" CREOL Industrial Affiliates Symposium Short Course (2015)
Guifang Li "Space-Division Multiplexing: A New Frontier in Optical Communication (Tutorial)" OSA Topical Meeting POEM (2014)
Cen Xia, Xiang Liu, S. Chandrasekhar, Nicolas K. Fontaine, Likai Zhu, and Guifang Li "Multi-channel Nonlinearity Compensation of 128-Gb/s PDM-QPSK Signals in Dispersion-Managed Transmission Using Dispersion-Folded Digital Backward Propagation " Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2014), paper Tu3A.5. (2014)
Guifang Li "Space-division-multiplexing" 2013 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (2013)
Guifang Li "Coherent optical communication and beyond" OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, July 2013 (2013)
G. Li "The future of space-division multiplexing and its applications" OptoElectronics and Communications Conference held jointly with International Conference on Photonics in Switching (OECC/PS), 18th , vol., no., pp.1,2, June 30 -July 4 (2013)
C. Xia, R. Amezcua-Correa, N. Bai, E. Antonio-Lopez, D. May-Arriojo, A. Schülzgen, M. Richardson, J. Linares, C. Montero, E. Mateo, X. Zhou, and G. Li "Hole-Assisted Few-Mode Multi-Core Fiber for High-Density Space-Division Multiplexing" IEEE Summer Topicals 2012, paper: TuC4.2, Seattle (USA) (2012)
C. Xia, R. Amezcua-Correa, N. Bai, E. Antonio-Lopez, D. May-Arriojo, A. Schülzgen, M. Richardson, J. Linares, C. Montero, E. Mateo, X. Zhou, and G. Li "Low-Crosstalk Few-Mode Multi-core Fiber for High-Mode-Density Space-Division Multiplexing" European Conference on Optical Communication ECOC 2012, paper: Mo.1.F.5, Amsterdam (Netherlands) (2012)
Guifang Li "Optical Communication Beyond the Fundamental Capacity Limit of Single-Mode Fibers" Stanford Photonics Research Center 2012 Annual Symposium (2012)
Guifang Li "Space-Division Multiplexing: The Next Frontier in Optical Communication" The 4th International Symposium on Advances and Trends in Fiber Optics and Applications (ATFO-2012) (Invited) (2012)
Guifang Li "Transmission in Space-Division-Multiplexed Fibers" 2012 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting on Space Division Multiplexing for Optical Systems and Networks, MC3.1 (Invited) (2012)
N. Bai, E. Ip, T. Wang, and G. Li "Multimode Fiber Amplifier with Tunable Modal Gain Using a Reconfigurable Multimode Pump" IEEE Photonics Conference 2011, WW3: pp. 589-590, October (2011)
G. Li "Coherent optical technologies for free-space communication and sensing" OSA Summer Congress, Toronto, Canada (2011)
G. Li "Nonlinearity compensation using digital coherent receiver" OFC (2011)
X. Xie, X. Zhou and G. Li "Polarization demultiplexing using independent component analysis" Photonics West (2011)
G. Li "Spatial multiplexing: current status and future outlook" ACP (2011)
Theses & Dissertations
Andrew Howe "System Wide Analysis and Determination of Accuracy, Precision, and Repeatability " A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics at the University of Central Florida, Orlando (2023)
Ning Wang "Few-Mode Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers" A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics at the University of Central Florida Orlando (2020)
Shengli Fan "Iterative optical diffraction tomography for reconstruction of multiply-scattering objects" A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics at the University of Central Florida Orlando (2020)
H. Liu "Mode coupling in space-division multiplexed systems" A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics at the University of Central Florida Orlando (2019)
B. Huang "Mode Evolution in Fiber Based Devices for Optical Communication Systems" A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics at the University of Central Florida Orlando (2017)
Cen Xia "Optical fibers for space-division multiplexed transmission and networking" A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics at the University of Central Florida Orlando (2015)
Gilad Goldfarb "Digital Signal Processing Techniques For Coherent Optical Communication" PhD Thesis, CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics (2008)
Andreas Schmidt "Phase and Amplitude Modulated OFDM For Dispersion Managed WDM Systems" MS Thesis, CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics (2008)
Kevin Croussore "All-Optical Signal Processing For DPSK Signals Using Parametric And Phase-Sensitive Amplifiers" PhD Thesis, CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics (2007)
Inwoong Kim "Synchronization in advanced optical communications " PhD Dissertation, CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics (2005)
Weiming Mao "High speed all-optical clock recovery and 3R regeneration" PhD Dissertation, CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics (2001)
Mohammed Al-Mumin "Two-section gain-coupled DFB lasers and their application for wireless networks" PhD Dissertation, CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics (2001)
R. Sampson, G.F. Li, H. Liu, R. Stegeman, H. Wen, P. Zhang, and Y. Zhang "Few-mode amplified receiver for LIDAR" Patent application submitted (ID: 33950) (2019)
Guifang Li, Muhammad Amin, Demetrios Christodoulides, Bin Huang, Huiyuan Liu, He Wen "Efficient Mode Coupling Using Ladder Fibers " US Patent 10,268,076 (2019)
R. Stegeman and G.F. Li "Brightness Enhancement of Laser Sources using Photonic Lanterns " Patent application submitted (ID: 11304) (2018)
G.F. Li, D.N. Christodoulides, B. Huang, H. Liu, and H. Wen "Efficient Mode Coupling Using Ladder Fibers " Patent Pending (ID: 33936) (2018)
G.F. Li and I. Ozdur "Systems And Methods For Processing Space-Multiplexed Optical Signals " US Patent 9,794,016 (2017)
G.F. Li, N. Bai, C. Xia, X. Xie, F. Yaman, and L. Zhu "Optical transmission using few-mode fibers (US)" US Patent 9,563,011 (2017)
G.F. Li, and F. Yaman "Silicon photonic fiber and method of manufacture [CON of 31601]" U.S. 9,546,094 (2017)
G.F. Li, I. Kim, and X. Xie "Electronic Wavefront Correction for Free-Space Optical Communications " US 9,374,158 (2016)
G.F. Li, B.E.A. Saleh "Systems And Methods For Performing Digital Holography " US 9,301,805 (2016)
G.F. Li, I. Ozdur, and H. Shu "Systems and Methods for Amplifying Space-Multiplexed Optical Signals" US 9,263,846 (2016)
G.F. Li, C. Xia, N. Bai "Systems and methods for optical transmission using supermodes" US 9103961 B2 (2015)
G.F. Li, H. Wen "Digital fiber-optic link apparatus, methods, and applications" Patent Pending 05/28/2015 62/167,397 (2015)
G.F. Li, H. Wen "Analog fiber-optic links using high-order fiber modes" Patent Pending 03/23/2015 62/136,848 (2015)
Guifang Li, Rodrigo Amezcua Correa, Axel Schülzgen, Zhaohui Li; Chigo Okonkwo, "Multi-Dimensional Sensor, System, and Method for Sensing Multiple Physical Quantities" Provisional Patent Application (2014)
Guifang Li "Systems For Extending WDM Transmission into The 0-band" US 8,503,881 B2 (2013)
Guifang Li, Eduardo Mateo, Fatih Yaman "Compensation of optical transmission impairments using digital backward propagation" US 8,447,191 B2 (2013)
Guifang Li, Fatih Yaman, Eduardo Mateo "Compensation of transmission impairments in polarization multiplexed systems" US 8,437,643 B2 (2013)
Guifang Li, Xiaoxu Li "Electronic compensation of nonlinear effects of semiconductor optical amplifiers" US 8,452,191 B2 (2013)
G. Li, X. Chen, G. Goldfarb, I. Kim, X. Li, E. Mateo, F. Yaman, L. Zhu "Electronic Post-Compensation of Optical Transmission Impairments Using Digital Backward Propagation" U.S. Patent 8,204,389 B2 (2012)
G. Li, G. Goldfarb "Dispersion Compensation using Digital Infinite Impulse Response" U.S. Patent 8,103,711 (2012)
G. Li, I. Kim "Systems and Methods for Optical Carrier Recovery" U.S. Patent 8,027,588 (2011)
G. Li, Y. Han "Direct Detection DIfferential Polarization-Phase-Shift Keying for High Spectral Efficiency Optical Communication " U.S. Patent 7,983,570 (2011)
Fatih Yaman and Guifang "Composite Photonics Crystal OPTICAL FIBERS/Waveguides CONFIGURED TO SIMULTANEOUSLY GUIDE ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES OF DIFFERENT WAVELENGTHS " Attorney Docket No.: 292102-1660 (2011)
Guifang Li and Bahaa Saleh "SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR PERFORMING DIGITAL HOLOGRAPHY " Attorney Docket No.: 292102-1690 (2011)
Guifang Li and Ibrahim Ozdur "SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR AMPLIFYING SPACE-MULTIPLEXED OPTICAL SINGALS " Attorney Docket No.: 292102-8700 (2011)
Guifang Li and Mustafa Bassiouni "Wavelength- and Mode-Routed Optical Networks" provisional patent (2011)
G. Li, Y. Han "Direct Detection Differential Polarization-Phase-Shift Keying For High Spectral Efficiency Optical Communication" U.S. Patent 7,643,760 January 5 (2010)
G. Li "Systems and Methods for Adaptive Interference Cancellation " U.S Patent 7,856,184 December 21 (2010)