Found 12479 publications.
Book Chapters
R. Zorn, P. Kirsch and S. T. Wu.
"Ch. 43: Liquid Crystal Displays
Nanoelectronics and Information Technology, 3rd Ed. Wiley-VCH; Editor R. Waser
V. Raghunathan, S. Fathpour, and B. Jalali.
"Mid-Wavelength Infrared Silicon Photonics for High-Power and Biomedical Applications".
Silicon Photonics for Telecommunications and Biomedicine, S. Fathpour and B. Jalali, Eds., CRC Press (2012).
S. Fathpour, K. K. Tsia, and B. Jalali.
"Nonlinear Photovoltaics and Energy Harvesting".
Silicon Photonics for Telecommunications and Biomedicine, S. Fathpour and B. Jalali, Eds., CRC Press (2012).
K. Zhao, Q. Zhang, M. Chini, and Z. Chang.
"Route to One Atomic Unit of Time – Development of a Broadband Attosecond Streak Camera".
Chapter 19, Multiphoton Processes and Attosecond Physics, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes (ICOMP12) and the 3rd International Conference on Attosecond Physics (ATTO3), Yamanouchi, Kaoru; Midorikawa, Katsumi (Eds.) Series: Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 125, Part 2, 109. ISBN 978-3-642-28947-7
Yi Hu, G. A. Siviloglou, Peng Zhang, D. N. Christodoulides, and Zhigang Chen.
"Self-accelerating Airy beams: generation, control, and applications".
“Nonlinear photonics and novel optical phenomena,” Z. Chen and R. Morandotti eds. (Springer, 2012).
K. K. Tsia, S. Fathpour, and B. Jalali.
"Stress and Piezoelectric Tuning of Silicon’s Optical Properties".
Silicon Photonics for Telecommunications and Biomedicine, S. Fathpour, and B. Jalali, Eds., CRC Press (2012).
S. Chen, S. Gilbertson, H. Wang, M. Chini, K. Zhao, S. Khan, Y. Wu, and Z. Chang.
"Attosecond pulse generation, characterization and application".
Advances in Multi-Photon Processes and Spectroscopy, 20, pp. 127-174, S.H. Lin, A.A. Villaeys, and Y. Fujimura, World Scientific Publishing Company; 1 edition ISBN-10: 9814343986
Winston V. Schoenfeld.
"Chapter 18: High Brightness Visible LEDs".
Handbook of Optics, 3rd Edition, Volume II, M. Bass, Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010
Martin C. Richardson.
"Chapter 3: EUV sources".
Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, McGraw-Hill
Ying Zhou, Yuhua Huang, and Shin-Tson Wu.
"Emission Enhancement of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Lasers".
Timothy S. McComb, Martin C. Richardson & Michael Bass.
"High power fiber lasers and amplifiers".
Chapter 25, Handbook of Optics Volume V, Atmospheric Optics, Modulators, Fiber Optics X-ray and Neutron Optics, Editor, M. Bass, Publ: Optical Society of America, Washington DC, USA p 25.1-25.33
Ximao Feng, Steve Gilbertson, Hiroki Mashiko, Sabih Khan, He Wang, Michael Chini, Yi Wu, and Zenghu Chang.
"Single Isolated Attosecond Pulses Generation with Double Optical Gating (Chapter 5)".
Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science VI, pp. 89-112. Series: Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Vol. 99, Yamanouchi, Kaoru; Gerber, Gustav; Bandrauk, Andre D. (Eds.), 1st Edition., 2010, XVI, 237 p., ISBN: 978-3-642-15053-1
Olga V. Przhonska, Scott Webster, Lazaro A. Padilha, Honghua Hu, Alexey D. Kachkovski, David J. Hagan, and Eric W. Van Stryland.
"Two-Photon Absorption in Near-IR Conjugated Molecules: Design Strategy and Structure-Property Relations".
in "Advanced Fluorescence Reporters in Chemistry and Biology, I. Fundamentals and Molecular Design", Springer Series on Fluorescence, 2010,. Series Editor: Otto S. Wolfbeis, volume Editor A. Demchenko, Volume 8, 2010.
B. Jalali, S. Fathpour, and K. K. Tsia.
"Energy Efficiency in Silicon Photonics".
in Silicon Nanophotonics, Leonid Khriachtchev, Ed., John Wiley & Sons (2009).
W.V. Schoenfeld.
"High Brightness Visible LEDs".
Handbook of Optics, M. Bass, ed., McGraw-Hill
J. Harvey.
"Reflective Optics in Chapter on X-ray and Neutron Optics".
In Third Edition of Handbook of Optics, M. Bass, ed., McGraw-Hill
S. Jeon, T. Thundat, and Y. Braiman.
"Frictional Dynamics at the Atomic Scale in Presence of Small Oscillations of the Sliding Surface".
in Superlubricity, A. Erdemir and J.-M. Martin eds, Elsevier