Found 12479 publications.
Book Chapters
Bahaa E. A. Saleh.
"On hyperlinked teaching and learnin".
B. E. A. Saleh, “On hyperlinked teaching and learning”, in Field Guide to Optics Education: A Tribute to John Greivenkamp, eds. J. Scott Tyo and E. Pepper, SPIE Press Book, August 2022.
Kathleen A. Richardson, Denise Krol, Christine Heckle and Carol Jantzen.
"Commemorative Book on the US National Day of Glass: Women in Glass - Beyond the Glass Ceiling".
Wiley 2022
F. Gou, E.L. Hsiang, and S.T. Wu.
"Angular color shift and power consumption of RGB micro-LED displays".
Ch. 12 in “Micro LEDs,” editors: Hongxing Jiang and Jingyu Lin (Elsevier).
K.A. Richardson and M. Kang.
"Chapter 1. Chalcogenide materials for mid-wave infrared fibers".
Mid-Infrared Optical Fibres, eds. Stuart Jackson and Réal Vallée, Elsevier, (2021); ISBN: 9780128180174.
Yi Wu, Esben Witting Larsen, Fangjie Zhou, Lifeng Wang, Alphonse Marra, Daniel Schade, Jialin Li, and Zenghu Chang.
"Transition metal doped zinc selenide infrared lasers for ultrafast and intense field science".
Book Chapter, Emerging Laser Technologies for High Power and Ultrafast Science, IOP Publishing Ltd, Editor: Francois Legare (2021). ISBN: 978-0-7503-2534-9
K.L. Schepler.
"Infrared transition metal solid-state lasers".
Encyclopedia of Modern Optics 2nd edition, R. Guenther and D. Steel, eds. (Elsevier), pp. 435-445
S. Fathpour.
"Silicon photonics".
Handbook of Optoelectronics: Concepts, Devices and Techniques (Volume I), J. P. Dakin and R. G. W. Brown, Eds., 2nd Edition, CRC Press
I. Mingareev, L. Shah, M.C. Richardson, and M. Ramme.
"Direct infrared laser machining of semiconductors for electronics applications".
Advances in Laser Materials Processing, 2nd Edition, Technology, Research and Applications, Woodhead Publishing 2018, ISBN: 9780081012529
C. Fornaroli, I. Mingareev, and A. Gillner.
"Laser dicing of silicon and electronics substrates".
Advances in Laser Materials Processing, 2nd Edition, Technology, Research and Applications, Woodhead Publishing, ISBN: 9780081012529
I. Divliansky.
"Volume Bragg Gratings: Fundamentals and Applications in Laser Beam Combining and Beam Phase Transformations".
Holographic Materials and Optical Systems
S. Gauza.
"Organic liquid crystal optoelectronic materials and devices".
Introduction to Organic Electronic and Optoelectric Materials and Devices, 2nd Edition, pp. 787-813
K.D. Belfield, S. Yao, M.V. Bondar, and V. Mykhailo.
"Organic multiphoton absorbing materials and devices".
Introduction to Organic Electronic and Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, 2nd Edition, pp. 589-623
N. Nair, E. Bochove, and Y. Braiman.
"Transverse Modes of Coupled Nonlinear Oscillator Array".
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applications in Nonlinear Dynamics (ICAND 2016), V. In, P. Longhini, and A. Palacios eds., Springer International Publishing AG