Instructions for Users Requesting Access to CREOL cleanroom 180 Nanofabrication facility.
- Users must be a graduate student or post-doc working under a UCF faculty member or faculty themselves with a UCF ID.
- Access can be granted to interested industrial users. For more information email James Ross
- For questions, access and training requests for the Raith Ebeam Lithography tool, please reach out to Dr. Ivan Divliansky
- Complete EHS201 Laboratory Safety Orientation and EHS 202 or EHS 202V Laboratory Safety Practical Virtual.
- Read and sign the paper copies for the CREOL cleanroom 180 SOP.
- Email James Ross and Nathan Aultman with their Name, PID and faculty PI requesting access. User’s PI must provide an account number if not already on file.
- Email Dr. Keqi Qin for access to the Cleanroom Sharepoint scheduler.
- When the above is completed, a tour of the Cleanroom will be arranged, further instructions provided and access granted.