- Ph.D. Caltech, Electrical Engineering
- M.S. Texas A&M, Biomedical Engineering
- B.S. Tsinghua, Optical Engineering
Sean Pang is an Associate Professor at College of Optics and Photonics (CREOL). He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Caltech and conducted his postdoctoral research at Duke University. His current research focuses on the intersection on computing and imaging systems. His group is interested in modeling and developing optoelectronic system for sensing, imaging and computing applications, including the application of AI in solving imaging and photonic design problems.
Awards & Honors
- 2019Â Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching College Award
- 2017 SPIE DCS Rising Researcher
- 2016 Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Award
Research Group
The research areas of Optical Imaging System Lab include computational imaging methods, AI – machine learning for optical system optimization, optical signal processing, modeling, and optical design.

Wang, X (Wang, Xiao) [1] ; Redding, B (Redding, Brandon) [2] ; Karl, N (Karl, Nicholas) [3] ; Long, CSP (Long, Christopher) [3] ; Zhu, ZY (Zhu, Zheyuan) [4] ; Skowronek, J (Skowronek, James) [1] ; Pang, S (Pang, Shuo) [4] ; Brady, D (Brady, David) [1] ; Sarma, R (Sarma, Raktim) [3] , [5] "Integrated photonic encoder for low power and high-speed image processing" Nature Communications 15(1) (2024)
Shree R. Thapa, Seth Smith-Dryden, Zheyuan Zhu, Shuo S. Pang, and Guifang Li "Experimental Demonstration and Characterization of a Non-Mode Selective (De)Multiplexer Using Multi-Plane Light Converter (MPLC)" (2024)
Zheyuan Zhu, Alireza Fardoost, Fatemeh Ghaedi Vanani, Andrew B. Klein, Guifang Li, Shuo S. Pang "Coherent General-Purpose Photonic Matrix Processor" ACS Photonics 2024, 11, 3, 1189–1196 (2024) (2024)
Brandon Redding, Joseph B Murray, Joseph D. Hart, Zheyuan Zhu, Shuo S. Pang, Raktim Sarma "Fiber optic computing using distributed feedback" Commun Phys 7, 75 (2024) (2024)
A. Klein, Z. Zhu, D. Saiham, G. Li, and S. Pang "Iterative eigensolver using fixed-point photonic primitive" Optics Letters, 49(2), (2024), 194 (2024)
Klein, AB (Klein, Andrew b.) [1] ; Zhu, ZY (Zhu, Zheyuan) [1] ; Saiham, D (Saiham, Dewan) [1] ; Li, GF (Li, Guifang) [1] ; Pang, SS (Pang, Shuo s.) [1] "Iterative eigensolver using fixed-point photonic primitive" Optics Letters 49(2) pp.194-197 (2024)
Saiham, D (Saiham, Dewan) [1] ; Zhu, ZY (Zhu, Zheyuan) [1] ; Klein, AB (Klein, Andrew b.) [1] ; Pang, SS (Pang, Shuo s.) [1] "Accelerated fixed-point iterative reconstruction for fiber borescope imaging" Optics Express, 31(23) pp.38355-38364 (2023)
Zheyuan Zhu, Andrew B. Klein, Guifang Li, and Sean Pang "Fixed-point iterative linear inverse solver with extended precision" Scientific Reports 13(1) (2023)
Vanani, FG (Vanani, Fatemeh Ghaedi) [1] ; Fardoost, A (Fardoost, Alireza) [1] ; Zhang, YH (Zhang, Yuanhang) [1] ; Zhu, ZY (Zhu, Zheyuan) [1] ; Wang, N (Wang, Ning) [1] ; Alvarado-Zacarias, JC (Alvarado-Zacarias, Juan Carlos) [1] ; Amezcua-Correa, R (Amezcua-Correa, Rodrigo) [1] ; Pang, S (Pang, Shuo) [1] ; Li, GF (LI, Guifang) [1] "Low-crosstalk mode-group demultiplexers based on Fabry-Perot thin-film filters" Optics Express, 30(22) pp. 39258-39268 (2022)
Z. Zhu, J. Ulseth, G. Li, and S. Pang "Training of mixed-signal optical convolutional neural networks with reduced quantization levels" IEEE Access, 2169-3536 (2021) (2021) PDF
Z. Zhu, J. White, Z. Chang, and S. Pang "Attosecond pulse retrieval from noisy streaking traces with conditional variational generative network" Scientific Reports, 43583 (2020) PDF
Z. Zhu, Y. Sun, J. White, Z. Chang, and S. Pang "Signal retrieval with measurement system knowledge using variational generative model" IEEE Access, 8(1), pp. 47963-47972 (2020) PDF
J. Ulseth, Z. Zhu, Y. Sun, and S. Pang "Accelerated x-ray diffraction (tensor) tomography simulation using OptiX GPU ray-tracing engine" IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 66(12), pp. 2347-2354 (2019) PDF
J. Zhao, Y. Sun, H. Zhu, Z. Zhu, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, R. Amezcua-Correa, S. Pang, and A. Schülzgen "Deep-learning cell imaging through Anderson localizing optical fiber" Advanced Photonics, 1(6), 066001 (2019) PDF
Z. Zhu, H.-H. Huang, and S. Pang "Photon allocation strategy in region-of-interest tomographic imaging" IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 6, 125-137 (2019) (2019) PDF
J. Zhao, M. Peysokhan, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, Y. Sun, B. Abaie, A. Mafi, R. Amezcua-Correa, S. Pang, and A. Schülzgen "A path to high-quality imaging through disordered optical fibers: a review" Applied Optics, 58(13), pp. D50-D60 (2019) PDF
S. Pang and A. Schülzgen "Optics at CREOL: Introduction to the feature issue" Applied Optics, 58(13), UCF1 (2019) PDF
Z. Zhu, A. Katsevich, and S. Pang "Interior x-ray diffraction tomography with low-resolution exterior information" Physics in Medicine and Biology, 64(2), 025009 (2019) PDF
Z. Zhu and S. Pang "Few-photon computed x-ray imaging" Applied Physical Letters, 113(23), pp. 231109 (2018) PDF
J. Zhao , Y. Sun, Z. Zhu, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, R. Amezcua-Correa, S. Pang, and A. Schülzgen "Deep learning imaging through fully-flexible glass-air disordered fiber" ACS Photonics 5(10), pp. 3930-3935 (2018) PDF
Zheyuan Zhu, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2020Yangyang Sun, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2019