Research Group
The Optical Ceramics group conducts research on transparent polycrystalline materials for high-power lasers, nuclear and radiological scintillator detectors, and applications in nonlinear optics.Graduate Students
A. Howe, K. Moutzouris, K.A. Richardson, R. Gaume "A Fresnel-Based Fitting Approach to Improve the Standard Deviation of a Prism Coupling Refractometry Instrument Modified for the Infrared" Optical Engineering, (2024) 63 (10), 104101, (2024) (2024)
R. A. Osborne, N. J. Cherepy, P. Bleier, R. Gaume and S. A. Payne, Advanced Optical Materials, "Phosphor Ceramic Composite for Tunable Warm White Light" under review (2024)
B. Butkus, A. Kostogiannes, A. Howe, M. Kang, R. Gaume, K. A. Richardson, P. Banerjee, "Zinc Sulfide CVD Optical Ceramic Analyzed by XPS"" Surface Science Spectra, 30(2) (2023) (2023)
B. Butkus, M. Havel, A. Kostogiannes, A. Howe, M. Kang, R. Gaume, K. A. Richardson, P. Banerjee "Calcium sulfide powder analyzed by XPS" Surface Science Spectra 30(1) (2023) PDF
Brian Butkus, Matthew Havel, Alexandros Kostogiannes, Andrew Howe, Myungkoo Kang, Romain Gaume, Kathleen A. Richardson, Parag Banerjee "Lanthanum sulfide powder analyzed by XPS" Surface Science Spectra 30(1) (2023) PDF
R. A. Osborne, T. J. Wineger, T.D. Yee, N. J. Cherepy, Z. M. Seeley, R. Gaume, M. Dubinskii, and S. A. Payne "Fabrication of engineered dopant profiles in Er/Lu:YAG transparent laser ceramics via additive manufacturing" Optical Materials Express 13(2), 526-537 (2023) (2023)
M. Havel, A. Kostogiannes, W. T. Shoulders, V. Blair, D. McGill, C. Rivero-Baleine, R. Bunijevac, J. Eichler, M. R. Kincer, M. Kang, K. A. Richardson, and R. Gaume, "Monitoring sulfur loss in polycrystalline solid solutions of CaS-La2S3 by Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction" Opt. Mater. Express 13, 504-513 (2023) (2023)
G.M. Tao, S. Chen, S.J. Pandey, F.L.A. Tan, H. Ebendorff-Heidepriem, M. Molinari, A.F. Abouraddy, and R.M. Gaume "A carbon-nanofiber glass composite with high electrical conductivity" International Journal of Applied Glass Science (2020)
D. McGill, J. Ben Ghozi-Bouvrande, M. Kang, M. Dolhen, G. Delaizir, S. Chenu, L. Roumiguier, J.-R. Duclère, K.A. Richardson, R.M. Gaume "Hot-Pressing of Tellurite Glass with a Sacrificial Pressure-Transmitting Medium" Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 528, 119713 (2020) PDF
M. Martinez, C. Bayne, D. Aiello, M. Julian, R.M. Gaume, and M. Baudelet "Multi-elemental matrix-matched calcium hydroxyapatite reference materials for laser ablation: Evaluation on teeth by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy" Spectrochimica ACTA Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy (2019)
J. Hostaša, A. Piancastelli, V. Biasini, S.J. Pandey, M. Martinez, M. Baudelet, and R.M. Gaume "Advances in the monitoring of the SiO2 evaporation loss in transparent YAG ceramics by LIBS" Ceramics International, 45(9), pp. 12274-12278 (2019)
X. Chen and R.M. Gaume "Non-stoichiometric grain-growth in ZnSe ceramics for X(2) interaction" Optical Materials Express 9(2), pp. 400-409 (2019) PDF
S.J. Pandey, R. Locke, R.M. Gaume, and M. Baudelet "Effect of powder compact density on the LIBS analysis of Ni impurities in alumina powders" Spectrochimica Acta Part B-Atomic Spectroscopy, 148, pp. 99-104 (2018)
X.Chen, S.Chen, A.Bruner, and R.M. Gaume "Effects of dopants on the microstructure and phase-purity control in PMN-PT ceramics" Ceramics International 44(15), pp. 17909-17913 (2018) PDF
D.W. Steere, B.M. Clark, R.M. Gaume, and S.K. Sundaram "Structure-terahertz property relationship in yttrium aluminum garnet ceramics" Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing, 123(8), 515 (2017)
W.T. Shoulders and R.M. Gaume "Phase-change sintering of BaCl2 ceramics" Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 705, pp. 517-523 (2017)
S.J. Pandey, M. Martinez, J. Hostaša, L. Esposito, M. Baudelet and R.M. Gaume "Quantification of SiO2 sintering additive in YAG transparent ceramics by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy" Optical Materials Express, 7(5), pp. 1666-1671 (2017)
S.J. Pandey, M. Martinez, F. Pelascini, V. Motto-Ros, M. Baudelet, and R.M. Gaume "Quantification of non-stoichiometry in YAG ceramics using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy" Optical Materials Express, 7(2), pp. 627-632 (2017)
S.J. Pandey, G. Joshi, S.D. Wang, S. Curtarolo, and R.M. Gaume "Modeling the thermoelectric properties of Ti5O9 Magn,li phase ceramics" Journal of Electronic Materials 45(11), pp.5526-5532 (2016)
W.T. Shoulders, R. Locke, and R.M. Gaume "Elastic airtight container for the compaction of air-sensitive materials" Review Of Scientific Instruments, 87(6), 063908 (2016)
Xuan Chen, Materials Science Ph.D., Fall 2018Sudeep Jung Pandey, Physics Ph.D., Summer 2017
Taylor Shoulders, Materials Science Ph.D., Fall 2016