Rodrigo Amezcua joined the College of Optics and Photonics (CREOL) and the Townes Laser Institute in February 2011 as an Assistant Research Professor. He obtained his PhD degree from the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) at the University of Southampton. His Ph.D. was on the development of photonic crystal fibers. After completing his doctoral research, Rodrigo was employed as a post-doctoral researcher with Prof. Jonathan Knight at the University of Bath, UK. At the University of Bath, he developed novel photonic crystal fiber fabrication methods that lead to fibers with significantly improved optical properties. He has extensive experience in the design and fabrication of photonic crystal fibers for several applications; including fiber lasers, supercontinuum generation, nonlinear microscopy and sensing. Before joining CREOL, he worked at Powerlase Photonics, fabricating high-power diode pumped solid-state lasers.
Awards & Honors
- 2023 UCF Research Incentive Award
- 2023 CREOL Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award
- 2018 CREOL Excellence in Research Award
- 2018 UCF Reach for the Stars Award
- 2017 Corning Student 2nd Prize at OFC for PhD Student Zahoora Sanjabi
- 2016 Corning Student Award at OFC for PhD Student Zahoora Sanjab
Microstructured Fibers and Devices
Advanced optical fiber design and fabrication, photoniccrystal fibers, fiber laser development, optical fiber devices and components, optical fiber sensors, nonlinear propagation in optical fibers, optical fiber for biomedical applications.Publications
Abdullah Husain, S Yerolatsitis, R Amezcua-Correa, KY Han "Photonic lantern TIRF microscopy for highly efficient, uniform, artifact-free imaging" Optics Express, 32, 37046-37058 (2024)
G Salceda-Delgado, JE Antonio-Lopez, R Amezcua-Correa, JR Alonso-Cruz, AL Martinez-De-Leon, AK Roque-Mata "Ring laser bending vector sensor based on super-mode interference in a seven-core fiber" Optics & Laser Technology, Volume 175, August 2024, 110781 (2024)
Guangye Yang, Fan O. Wu, Helena Lopez-Aviles, Daniel Cruz-Delgado, Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa, Demetrios N. Christodoulides "Manipulation of geometric parametric sidebands via elliptical Gaussian beam in graded-index multimode fibers" Chaos, Solitons & Fractals”, Volume 183, 2024 (2024)
Yang, GY (Yang, Guangye) [1] , [2] ; Wu, FO (Wu, Fan O.) [3] , [4] ; Lopez-Aviles, H (Lopez-Aviles, Helena) [3] ; Cruz-Delgado, D (Cruz-Delgado, Daniel) [3] ; Amezcua-Correa, R (Amezcua-Correa, Rodrigo) [3] ; Christodoulides, DN "Manipulation of geometric parametric sidebands via elliptical Gaussian beam in graded-index multimode fibers" Chaos Solitons & Fractals (2024)
A. Veler, M. Birk, C. Dobias, R. A. Correa, P. Sidorenko and O. Cohen "Spatial Characterization of Multiple Pulses, with Different Spatial Profiles, from a Single Camera Snapshot" IEEE Photonics Journal (2024)
Lujun Hong, Cuiling Zhang, Joseph Wahlen, Jose Enrique Antonio-Lopez, Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa, Christos Markos, Yazhou Wang "High energy and narrow linewidth N2-filled hollow-core fiber laser at 1.4 µm" Journal of Lightwave Technology (2024)
Yinzi Xin, Daniel Echeverri, Nemanja Jovanovic, Dimitri Mawet, Sergio Leon-Saval, Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa, Stephanos Yerolatsitis, Michael P. Fitzgerald, Pradip Gatkine, Yoo Jung Kim, Jonathan Lin, Barnaby Norris, Garreth Ruane, Steph Sallum "Laboratory demonstration of a Photonic Lantern Nuller in monochromatic and broadband light" Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, Vol. 10, Issue 2, 025001 (April 2024). (2024)
Micah Raab, Daniel Leaird, Trevor L. Courtney, Christian Keyser, and Rodrigo Amezcua Correa "Wavelength conversion through stimulated Raman scattering in an oxygen-filled fiber for multi-band LiDAR" Opt. Lett. 49, 1496-1499 (2024) (2024)
Raab, M (Raab, Micah) [1] ; Leaird, D (Leaird, Daniel) [2] ; Courtney, TL (Courtney, Trevor l.) [3] ; Keyser, C (Keyser, Christian) [4] ; Correa, RA (Correa, Rodrigo Amezcua) [5] "Wavelength conversion through stimulated Raman scattering in an oxygen-filled fiber for multi-band LiDAR" Optics Letters 49(6) pp.1496-1499 (2024)
Daniel Cruz-Delgado, Armando Perez-Leija, Nicolas K. Fontaine, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, Miguel A. Bandres, and Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa "Ptychography for Multidimensional Characterization of Spatiotemporal Ultrafast Pulses" ACS Photonics 2024, 11, 1, 18–23 (2024)
Cruz-Delgado, D (Cruz-Delgado, Daniel) [1] ; Perez-Leija, A (Perez-Leija, Armando) [1] ; Fontaine, NK (Fontaine, Nicolas K.) [2] ; Christodoulides, DN (Christodoulides, Demetrios N.) [3] ; Bandres, MA (Bandres, Miguel A.) [1] ; Amezcua-Correa, R (Amezcua-Correa, Rodrigo) [1] "Ptychography for Multidimensional Characterization of Spatiotemporal Ultrafast Pulses" ACS Photonics 11(1) pp.18-23 (2024)
Ariel Veler, Michael Birk, Caleb Dobias, Rodrigo Amezcua Correa, Pavel Sidorenko, and Oren Cohen "Single-shot ptychographic imaging of non-repetitive ultrafast events" Opt. Lett. 49, 178-181 (2024). (2024)
Veler, A (Veler, Ariel) [1] , [2] ; Birk, M (Birk, Michael) [1] , [2] ; Dobias, C (Dobias, Caleb) [3] ; Correa, RA (Correa, Rodrigo amezcua) [3] ; Sidorenko, P (Sidorenko, Pavel) [1] , [2] ; Cohen, O (Cohen, Oren) [1] , [2] "Single-shot ptychographic imaging of non-repetitive ultrafast events" Optics Letters 49(2) pp.178-181 (2024)
Daniel Cruz-Delgado, Stephanos Yerolatsitis, Nicolas K. Fontaine, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa and Miguel A. Bandres, "Optics and Photonics News, Optics in 2023: Synthesis of Ultrafast Spatiotemporal Pulses." Optica, Optics & Photonics News (2023)
M. A. Cooper, J. Wahlen, S. Yerolatsitis, D. Cruz-Delgado, D. Parra, B. Tanner, P. Ahmadi, O. Jones, Md. S. Habib, I. Divliansky, J. E. Antonio-Lopez, A. Schülzgen, and R. Amezcua Correa "2.2 kW single-mode narrow-linewidth laser delivery through a hollow-core fiber" Optica 10, 1253-1259 (2023)
MA Cooper, Joseph Wahlen, Stephanos Yerolatsitis, D Cruz-Delgado, Daniel Parra, Ben Tanner, Peyman Ahmadi, Owen Jones, Md S Habib, Ivan Divliansky, JE Antonio-Lopez, Axel Schülzgen, R Amezcua Correa "2.2kW single-mode narrow-linewidth laser delivery through a hollow-core fiber" Optica 10, 1253-1259 (2023)
N. Wang, H. Wen, J. C. Alvarado Zacarias, J. E. Antonio-Lopez, Y. Zhang, D. Cruz Delgado, P. Sillard, A. Schülzgen, B. EA Saleh, R. Amezcua-Correa, G. Li "Laser2: A two-domain photon-phonon laser" SCIENCE ADVANCES 9, eadg7841 (2023)
M. Cooper, J. Wahlen, S. Wittek, J. C. A. Zacarias, D. C. Delgado, J. M. Mercado, I. Divliansky, J. E. Antonio-Lopez, A. Schülzgen, and R. A. Correa "600 W Single Mode CW Beam Delivery via Anti-Resonant Hollow Core Fiber" J. Dir. Energy 7, 222-234 (2023)
Lukas Achatz, Lukas Bulla, Sebastian Ecker, Evelyn A. Ortega, Michael Bartokos, Juan Carlos Alvarado-Zacarias, Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa, Martin Bohmann, Rupert Ursin & Marcus Huber "Simultaneous transmission of hyper-entanglement in three degrees of freedom through a multicore fiber " Achatz, L., Bulla, L., Ecker, S. et al. Simultaneous transmission of hyper-entanglement in three degrees of freedom through a multicore fiber. npj Quantum Inf 9, 45 (2023). (2023)
Lukas Achatz, Lukas Bulla, Sebastian Ecker, Evelyn A. Ortega, Michael Bartokos, Juan Carlos Alvarado-Zacarias, Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa, Martin Bohmann, Rupert Ursin & Marcus Huber "Simultaneous transmission of hyper-entanglement in three degrees of freedom through a multicore fiber" npj Quantum Information volume 9, Article number: 45 (2023) (2023)
Matthew Cooper, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2023Daniel Parra, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2023
Joseph Wahlen, Optics M.S., Fall 2023
Juan Carlos Alvarado Zacarias, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2020
Steffen Wittek, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2020
Fei Jia, Optics M.S., Summer 2018
Steffen Wittek, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2018
Yangyang Qin, Optics M.S., Spring 2017
Zeinab 'Zahoora' Sanjabi Eznaveh, Physics Ph.D., Spring 2017
Da Zhang, Optics M.S., Spring 2017
Weibin Zhu, Optics M.S., Spring 2017