Awards & Honors
- 2014 Excellence in Graduate Teaching (College Award)
- 2013 Excellence in Graduate Teaching award
- 2009 Promotion and Tenure Approved
- 2009 2008/2009 Teaching Incentive Program (TIP) Award
- 2007 Office of Research & Commercialization Millionaire’s Club
- 2006 Presidential Major Research Equipment Award
Research Group
Optical analysis tools for investigation of nanostructured devices including Near-field Scanning Optical Microscope, fiber-coupled microscope for single particle spectroscopy, leakage radiation setup for surface plasmon imaging, near-infrared waveguide analysis setup, and variable temperature photoluminescence setup. Projects include manipulation of surface plasmon dispersion in nanoscale thin films, enhancement of erbium excitation in semiconductor nanocrystal doped oxides, and enhancement of optical nonlinearities using plasmon resonances.Undergraduate Research Assistants

Leah Groh
UG Cleanroom Assistant

Olivia Mueller
Mengdi Sun and Pieter G. Kik "Elimination of reflection losses in gradient metasurface optical elements" Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 31701 (2024) (2024)
Li Sip, YY; Jacobs, A; Morales, A; Sun, MD; Roberson, LB; Hummerick, ME; Roy, H; Kik, P; Zhai, L "Slippery lubricant-infused silica nanoparticulate film processing for anti-biofouling applications" Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials. 2023;21 (2024)
Sun, MD (Sun, Mengdi) [1] ; Huang, D (Huang, Di) [2] ; Golvari, P (Golvari, Pooria) [4] ; Kuebler, SM (Kuebler, Stephen M. M.) [2] , [4] , [5] ; Delfyett, PJ (Delfyett, Peter J. J.) [2] , [6] ; Kik, PG (Kik, Pieter G. G.) [2] , [3] "Diffractive light-trapping transparent electrodes using zero-order suppression" Nanophotonics 12(18) pp.3545-3552 (2023)
van de Groep, J (van de Groep, Jorik) [1] , [2] ; Li, QT (Li, Qitong) [1] ; Song, JH (Song, Jung-Hwan) [1] ; Kik, PG (Kik, Pieter G.) [3] ; Brongersma, ML (Brongersma, Mark L.) [1] "Impact of substrates and quantum effects on exciton line shapes of 2D semiconductors at room temperature" Nanophotonics 12(16) pp. 3291-3300 (2023)
Sun, MD; Golvari, P; Kuebler, SM; Kik, PG "Experimental Demonstration of Light-Trapping Transparent Electrode Geometries" ACS Photonics, 10(3) pp.595-600 (2023)
Hong, JH ; van de Groep, J ; Lee, N ; Kim, SJ ; Lalanne, P ; Kik, PG ; Brongersma, ML "Nonlocal metasurface for circularly polarized light detection" Optica, 10(1) pp.134-141 (2023)
Anqi Ji, Jung-Hwan Song, Qitong Li, Fenghao Xu, Ching-Ting Tsai, Richard C. Tiberio, Bianxiao Cui, Philippe Lalanne, Pieter G. Kik, David A. B. Miller, and Mark L. Brongersma "Quantitative phase contrast imaging with a nonlocal angle-selective metasurface" Nature Comm. 13, 7848 (2022)
Li QT; van de Groep J; White AK; Song JH; Longwell SA; Fordyce PM; Quake SR; Kik PG; Brongersma ML "Metasurface optofluidics for dynamic control of light fields" Nature Nanotechnology 17, 1097 (2022)
M.J. Hossain, M.D. Sun, G. Doerk, P.G. Kik and K.O. Davis "Self-assembled multifunctional nanostructures for surface passivation and photon management in silicon photovoltaics" Nanophotonics, 10(18), pp. 4611-4621 (2021)
J.H. Song, S. Raza, J. van de Groep, J.H. Kang, Q. Li, P.G. Kik and M.L. Brongersma "Nanoelectromechanical modulation of a strongly-coupled plasmonic dimer" Nature Communcations, 12(1), A. 48 (2021)
J. van de Groep, J.H. Song, U. Celano, Q.T. Li, P.G. Kik and M.L. Brongersma "Exciton resonance tuning of an atomically thin lens" Nature Photonics (2020)
Q.T. Li, J. Van de Groep, Y.F. Wang, P.G. Kik, and M.L. Brongersma "Transparent multispectral photodetectors mimicking the human visual system " Nature Communications, 10, 4982 (2019)
V. Thareja, M. Esfandyarpour P.G. Kik, and M.L. Brongersma "Anisotropic metasurfaces as tunable SERS substrates for 2D materials" ACS Photonics, 6(8), pp. 1996-2004 (2019)
E.F. Pecora, A. Cordaro, P.G. Kik, and M.L. Brongersma "Broadband antireflection coatings employing multiresonant dielectric metasurfaces" ACS Photonics, 5(11), pp. 4456-4462 (2018)
X. Liu, K. Zang, J.H. Kang, J. Park, J.S. Harris, P.G. Kik, and M.L. Brongersma "Epsilon-near-zero Si slot-waveguide modulator" ACS Photonics, 5(11), pp. 4484-4490 (2018)
D.M. Lin, A.L. Holsteen, E. Maguid, P.Y. Fan, P.G. Kik, E. Hasman, and M.L. Brongersma "Polarization-independent metasurface lens employing the Pancharatnam-Berry phase" Optics Express, 26(19), pp. 24835-24842 (2018)
M. Esfandyarpour, A.G. Curto, P.G. Kik, N. Engheta, and M.L. Brongersma "Optical emission near a high-impedance mirror" Nature Communications, 9, 3224 (2018)
A.F. Cihan, A.G. Curto, S. Raza, P.G. Kik, and M.L. Brongersma "Silicon Mie resonators for highly directional light emission from monolayer MoS2" Nature Photonics, 12(5), pp. 284-290 (2018)
M. Mutlu, J.H. Kang, S. Raza, D. Schoen, X. Zheng, P.G. Kik, and M.L. Brongersma "Thermoplasmonic ignition of metal nanoparticles" Nano Letters, 18(3), pp. 1699-1706 (2018)
S.J. Kim, J.H. Kang, M. Mutlu, J. Park, W. Park, K.E. Goodson, R. Sinclair, S. Fan, P.G. Kik, and M.L. Brongersma "Anti-Hermitian photodetector facilitating efficient subwavelength photon sorting" Nature Communications 9, 316 (2018)
Mengdi Sun, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2022Chatdanai Lumdee, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2015
Seyfollah Toroghi, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2014
Oleksandr Savchyn, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2010
Amitabh Ghoshal, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2010