Leonid B. Glebov earned his Ph.D. in Physics (major in Optics) from State Optical Institute (SOI), Leningrad, Russia in 1976. He was affiliated with this institute until 1995. During which time he held various positions in research and scientific management. After his tenure at SOI, Glebov joined the University of Central Florida School of Optics/CREOL. He has published one book, 190+ papers in scientific journals and holds more than 16 patents (15+ Russian and 1 US). He is a member of Organizing and Program Committees for a number of International Conferences. The main directions of his research are optical properties of glasses, photosensitive glasses for hologram recording, nonlinear phenomena including laser-induced damage, holographic optical elements.
Awards & Honors
- International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) Fellow
- Optical Society of America (OSA) Fellow
- American Ceramic Society (ACS) Fellow
- 2017 AmCerSoc Frontiers of Glass Technology Award
- 2014 UCF Innovator
- 2012 National Academy of Inventors Charter Fellow
- 2008 SPIE Dennis Gabor Award
Research Group
Conducting rigorous analysis, design, and demonstration of diffractive and holographic optical elements, subwavelength grating structures and their applications, E-M theory of grating diffraction, holographic optical information processing and storage, volume holography.Faculty
Research Staff
Graduate Students

Daniel Lumpkin
Optics Ph.D.
Undergraduate Research Assistants
Myungkoo Kang, Brandon M. Triplett, Mikhail Y. Shalaginov, Skylar Deckoff-Jones, Cesar Blanco, Mia Truman, Elena Shirshneva Vashchenko, Justin Cook, Qingyang Du, Tushar S. Karnik, Cosmin-Constantine Popescu, Anna Zachariou, Yifei Zhang, Casey M. Schwarz, Sensong An, Clayton Fowler, Hualiang Zhang, Ivan Divliansky, Leonid B. Glebov, Martin C. Richardson, Anuradha M. Agarwal, Tian Gu, Clara Rivero-Baleine, Juejun Hu, and Kathleen A. Richardson "Photochemically-Engineered Programmable Large-Area Conformal Arsenic Sulfide Micro-Gratings for Hybrid Diffractive-Refractive Infrared Platforms" Adv. Photonics Research 5 (1) 2300241 (2024) (2024) PDF
Yessenov, M (Yessenov, Murat) [1] ; Mhibik, O (Mhibik, Oussama) [1] ; Mach, L (Mach, Lam) [1] ; Hayward, TM (Hayward, Tina M.) [2] ; Menon, R (Menon, Rajesh) [2] ; Glebov, L (Glebov, Leonid) [1] ; Divliansky, I (Divliansky, Ivan) [1] ; Abouraddy, AF (Abouraddy, Ayman F.) [1] "Ultra-compact synthesis of space-time wave packets" Optics Letter 48(10) (2023)
Mhibik, O (Mhibik, Oussama) [1] ; Yessenov, M (Yessenov, Murat) [1] ; Mach, L (Mach, Lam) [1] ; Glebov, L (Glebov, Leonid) [1] ; Abouraddy, AF (Abouraddy, Ayman F.) [1] ; Divliansky, I (Divliansky, Ivan) [1] "Rotated chirped volume Bragg gratings for compact spectral analysis" Optics Letters, 48(5) pp.1180-1183 (2023)
Yaraghi, S (Yaraghi, Shaghayegh) [1] ; Mohammadian, N (Mohammadian, Nafiseh) [1] ; Mhibik, O (Mhibik, Oussama) [1] ; Chang, KH (Chang, Kai-Han) [2] ; Seder, T (Seder, Thomas) [2] ; Glebov, L (Glebov, Leonid) [1] ; Divliansky, I (Divliansky, Ivan) [1] "Full-color eye-box expansion via holographic volume gratings recorded in photo-thermo-refractive glass" Optics Express, 31(2) pp.1755-1763 (2023)
Pavel Shirshnev, Myungkoo Kang, Ivan Divliansky, Kathleen A. Richardson, and Leonid Glebov, "Engineered refractive and diffractive optical composites via photo-thermal processes " Opt. Mats. Exp. 12 (9) (2022) (2022) PDF
L.H. Mach, N. Mohammadian, O. Mhibik, L. Glebov and I. Divliansky "Intracavity spatial mode conversion by holographic phase masks" Optics Express, 30(4), pp. 4988-4998 (2022)
N. Mohammadian, O. Mhibik, M. SeGall, S. Yaraghi, L. Glebov and I. Divliansky "Versatile approach to laser beam shaping and analyzing by holographic phase masks" Journal of Optics, 23(11), A. 115609 (2021)
P.S. Shirshnev, R.A. Alvarez and L.B. Glebov "Long-wavelength optical absorption edge of photo-thermo-refractive glass" Optical Materials Express, 11(9), pp. 2883-2891 (2021)
D. Stepankova, J. Muzik, O. Novak, L. Roskot, V. Smirnov, L.B. Glebov, M. Jelinek, M. Smrz, A. Lucianetti and T. Mocek "Experimental study on compression of 216-W laser pulses below 2 ps at 1030 nm with chirped volume Bragg grating" Applied Optics, 59(26), pp. 7938-7944 (2020)
I. Divliansky, F. Kompan, E. Hale, M. Segall, A. Schülzgen, and L.B. Glebov "Wavefront shaping optical elements recorded in photo-thermo-refractive glass" Applied Optics, 58(13), pp. D61-D67 (2019) PDF
I. Divlianksy, E.R. Hale, M. Segall, and L.B. Glebov "Achromatic complex holograms for laser mode conversion" Optics Express, 27(1), pp. 25-239 (2019)
M. Kang, A.M. Swisher, A.V. Pogrebnyakov, L. Liu, A. Kirk, S. Aiken, L. Sisken, C. Lonergan, J. Cook, T. Malendevych, F. Kompan, I. Divliansky, L.B. Glebov, M.C. Richardson, C. Rivero-Baleine, C.G. Pantano, T.S. Mayer, and K.A. Richardson "Ultralow dispersion multicomponent thin-film chalcogenide glass for broadband gradient-index optics" Advanced Materials, 30(39). 1803628 (2018) PDF
E.R. Hale, I.B. Divliansky, and L.B. Glebov "Passively Q switched dual channel Tm:YLF laser by intracavity spectral beam combination with volume Bragg gratings" Optics Express, 26(13), pp.16670-16678 (2018)
S. Mokhov, D. Ott, V. Smirnov, I.B. Divliansky, B.Y. Zeldovich, and L.B. Glebov "Moiré apodized reflective volume Bragg grating" Optical Engineering 57(3), 037106 (2018) PDF
F. Kompan, I.B. Divliansky, V. Smirnov, L.B. Glebov "Holographic lens for 532 nm in photo-thermo-refractive glass" Optics and Laser Technology, 105, 265-267 (2018) PDF
S. Mokhov, A. Spiro, V. Smirnov, S. Kaim, B.Y. Zeldovich, and L.B. Glebov "Stretching of picosecond laser pulses with uniform reflecting volume Bragg gratings" Laser Physics, 27(8), 085002 (2017) PDF
Sergiy Mokhov, Alexander Spiro, Vadim Smirnov, Sergiy Kaim, Boris Zeldovich and Leonid Glebov. "Stretching of picosecond laser pulses with uniform reflecting volume Bragg gratings." Laser Phys. 27 (2017) 085002 1-8. (2017)
Sergiy Mokhov, Alexander Spiro, Vadim Smirnov, Sergiy Kaim, Boris Zeldovich and Leonid Glebov. "Stretching of picosecond laser pulses with uniform reflecting volume Bragg gratings." Laser Phys. 27 (2017) 085002 1-8. (2017) PDF
F. Kompan, G. Venus, L. Glebova, H. Mingareev, L.B. Glebov "Photo-thermo-refractive glass with sensitivity to visible and near IR radiation" Optical Materials Express, 6(12), pp. 3881-3891 (2016)
Fedor Kompan, George Venus, Larissa Glebova, Helene Mingareev, and Leonid Glebov. "Photo-thermo-refractive glass with sensitivity to visible and near IR radiation." Opt. Mat. Express 6, No. 12 (2016) 3881-3891. (2016)
Roberto Alejandro Alvarez Aguirre, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2023Lam Mach, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2022
Nafiseh Mohammadian, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2022
Evan Hale, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2019
Fedor Kompan, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2019
Brian Anderson, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2015
Daniel Ott, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2014
Marc SeGall, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2013
Apurva Jain, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2012
Derrek "Reggie" Drachenberg, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2011
Oleksiy Andrusyak, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2009
Leo Siiman, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2008