Ivan Divliansky is currently a Group leader at the College of Optics and Photonics – CREOL at UCF. His current research interests include high-power laser beam combining, diffractive phase elements, diode and fiber lasers systems design, and implementation of volume Bragg gratings in different photonics areas.
Dr. Divliansky graduated with a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering /Materials Science from The Pennsylvania State University in 2004 performing research related to photonic crystals and their fabrication using holography and nano-fabrication. Before that he earned his B.S. and M.S. from the Physics department of Sofia University, Bulgaria. His M.S. thesis research focused on stimulated Raman processes in optical fibers.
Dr. Divliansky has authored one book chapter, co-authored three patents, is an Editorial Board member of the Journal of Lasers, Optics & Photonics and also frequent referee for Optics Express, Optics Letters, Applied Optics, and other peer review journals. His papers have been cited over 1000 times by other authors.
- High-power laser beam combining
- Volume Bragg gratings
- High-power diode and fiber laser systems design and construction
- Spectral narrowing of laser systems
- Fabrication of ultra-selective volume Bragg gratings
- Volume phase masks
- Femto-second two-photon processes
- Raman scattering in optical fibers
- Electron beam lithography and nano-fabrication
- Ph.D. – Electrical Engineering – Materials, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA
- M.S. in Physics – Quantum Electronics and Laser Technique, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria
- B.S. in Physics, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria
Work Experience
Group leader: University of Central Florida – College of Optics and Photonics: CREOL & FPCE
- High-power laser spectral beam combining
- High-power laser diodes – modification of transverse and spectral properties via external cavities
- Volume Bragg gratings and their applications
- Micro- and nano-optical elements created via analog e-beam lithography
- Leica EBPG 5000 Electron-beam lithography system supervisor
Postdoctoral Research Scientist: Nano-Photonic Materials Laboratory – University of Central Florida – College of Optics and Photonics: CREOL & FPCE
- Multi-photon three-dimensional microfabrication of photonic structures
- Confocal one- and multi-photon fluorescent microscopy
- Development of CAD/CAM opto-mechanical system for multi-photon microfabrication
Graduate Research Assistant: Materials Research Science and Engineering Center – The Pennsylvania State University
- Fabrication of two- and three- dimensional photonic crystals using holographic lithography
- Near-Field Optical Microscopy – instrument modification; characterization of surfaces
- Design of compact three-dimensional beam splitter for interference holography
- Simulations of multiple-laser beam interference
- Replication of polymer templates via electrodeposition of semiconductor materials
Research Scientist: Fiber and Non-Linear Optics Laboratory – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Theoretical research on Bragg gratings written within optical fibers Graduate Research Assistant: Institute of Laser Technique – Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Stimulated Raman Scattering in multimode optical fibers pumped with excimer laser pulses
- Temporal and spatial simulations of Stimulated Raman Scattering in multimode optical fibers
Research Group
Graduate Students

David Guacaneme
Optics Ph.D.

Shaghayegh Yaraghi
Optics Ph.D.
Konrad Tschernig, David Guacaneme, Oussama Mhibik, Ivan Divliansky and Miguel A. Bandres "Observation of Boyer-Wolf Gaussian modes " Tschernig, K., Guacaneme, D., Mhibik, O. et al. Observation of Boyer-Wolf Gaussian modes. Nat Commun 15, 5301 (2024). (2024)
Tugba Temel, Robert T. Murray, Li Wang, Weidong Chen, André Schirrmacher, Ivan B. Divliansky, Oussama Mhibik, Leonid B. Glebov, and Valentin Petrov "Energy scaling of a narrowband, periodically poled LiNbO3, nanosecond, nonresonant optical parametric oscillator" Applied Optics Vol. 63, Issue 7, pp. 1811-1814 (2024) (2024)
Weidong Chen, Li Wang, Ivan B. Divliansky, Valdas Pasiskevicius, Oussama Mhibik, Kjell M. Moelster, Andrius Zukauskas, Leonid B. Glebov, and Valentin Petrov "Narrowband, intracavity-pumped, type-II BaGa2GeSe6 optical parametric oscillator" Optics Express Vol. 32, Issue 2, pp. 1728-1735 (2024) (2024)
Myungkoo Kang, Brandon M. Triplett, Mikhail Y. Shalaginov, Skylar Deckoff-Jones, Cesar Blanco, Mia Truman, Elena Shirshneva Vashchenko, Justin Cook, Qingyang Du, Tushar S. Karnik, Cosmin-Constantine Popescu, Anna Zachariou, Yifei Zhang, Casey M. Schwarz, Sensong An, Clayton Fowler, Hualiang Zhang, Ivan Divliansky, Leonid B. Glebov, Martin C. Richardson, Anuradha M. Agarwal, Tian Gu, Clara Rivero-Baleine, Juejun Hu, and Kathleen A. Richardson "Photochemically-Engineered Programmable Large-Area Conformal Arsenic Sulfide Micro-Gratings for Hybrid Diffractive-Refractive Infrared Platforms" Adv. Photonics Research 5 (1) 2300241 (2024) (2024) PDF
Mhibik, Oussama; Yessenov, Murat; Glebov, Leon; Abouraddy, Ayman F.; Divliansky, Ivan "Compact dual-band spectral analysis via multiplexed rotated chirped volume Bragg gratings" Optics Letters Vol. 48, Issue 19, pp. 5137-5140 (2023) (2023)
M. A. Cooper, J. Wahlen, S. Yerolatsitis, D. Cruz-Delgado, D. Parra, B. Tanner, P. Ahmadi, O. Jones, Md. S. Habib, I. Divliansky, J. E. Antonio-Lopez, A. Schülzgen, and R. Amezcua Correa "2.2 kW single-mode narrow-linewidth laser delivery through a hollow-core fiber" Optica 10, 1253-1259 (2023)
MA Cooper, Joseph Wahlen, Stephanos Yerolatsitis, D Cruz-Delgado, Daniel Parra, Ben Tanner, Peyman Ahmadi, Owen Jones, Md S Habib, Ivan Divliansky, JE Antonio-Lopez, Axel Schülzgen, R Amezcua Correa "2.2kW single-mode narrow-linewidth laser delivery through a hollow-core fiber" Optica 10, 1253-1259 (2023)
M. Cooper, J. Wahlen, S. Wittek, J. C. A. Zacarias, D. C. Delgado, J. M. Mercado, I. Divliansky, J. E. Antonio-Lopez, A. Schülzgen, and R. A. Correa "600 W Single Mode CW Beam Delivery via Anti-Resonant Hollow Core Fiber" J. Dir. Energy 7, 222-234 (2023)
Yessenov, M (Yessenov, Murat) [1] ; Mhibik, O (Mhibik, Oussama) [1] ; Mach, L (Mach, Lam) [1] ; Hayward, TM (Hayward, Tina M.) [2] ; Menon, R (Menon, Rajesh) [2] ; Glebov, L (Glebov, Leonid) [1] ; Divliansky, I (Divliansky, Ivan) [1] ; Abouraddy, AF (Abouraddy, Ayman F.) [1] "Ultra-compact synthesis of space-time wave packets" Optics Letter 48(10) (2023)
Mhibik, O (Mhibik, Oussama) [1] ; Yessenov, M (Yessenov, Murat) [1] ; Mach, L (Mach, Lam) [1] ; Glebov, L (Glebov, Leonid) [1] ; Abouraddy, AF (Abouraddy, Ayman F.) [1] ; Divliansky, I (Divliansky, Ivan) [1] "Rotated chirped volume Bragg gratings for compact spectral analysis" Optics Letters, 48(5) pp.1180-1183 (2023)
Yaraghi, S (Yaraghi, Shaghayegh) [1] ; Mohammadian, N (Mohammadian, Nafiseh) [1] ; Mhibik, O (Mhibik, Oussama) [1] ; Chang, KH (Chang, Kai-Han) [2] ; Seder, T (Seder, Thomas) [2] ; Glebov, L (Glebov, Leonid) [1] ; Divliansky, I (Divliansky, Ivan) [1] "Full-color eye-box expansion via holographic volume gratings recorded in photo-thermo-refractive glass" Optics Express, 31(2) pp.1755-1763 (2023)
Pavel Shirshnev, Myungkoo Kang, Ivan Divliansky, Kathleen A. Richardson, and Leonid Glebov, "Engineered refractive and diffractive optical composites via photo-thermal processes " Opt. Mats. Exp. 12 (9) (2022) (2022) PDF
L.H. Mach, N. Mohammadian, O. Mhibik, L. Glebov and I. Divliansky "Intracavity spatial mode conversion by holographic phase masks" Optics Express, 30(4), pp. 4988-4998 (2022)
N. Mohammadian, O. Mhibik, M. SeGall, S. Yaraghi, L. Glebov and I. Divliansky "Versatile approach to laser beam shaping and analyzing by holographic phase masks" Journal of Optics, 23(11), A. 115609 (2021)
I. Divliansky, F. Kompan, E. Hale, M. Segall, A. Schülzgen, and L.B. Glebov "Wavefront shaping optical elements recorded in photo-thermo-refractive glass" Applied Optics, 58(13), pp. D61-D67 (2019) PDF
I. Divlianksy, E.R. Hale, M. Segall, and L.B. Glebov "Achromatic complex holograms for laser mode conversion" Optics Express, 27(1), pp. 25-239 (2019)
M. Kang, A.M. Swisher, A.V. Pogrebnyakov, L. Liu, A. Kirk, S. Aiken, L. Sisken, C. Lonergan, J. Cook, T. Malendevych, F. Kompan, I. Divliansky, L.B. Glebov, M.C. Richardson, C. Rivero-Baleine, C.G. Pantano, T.S. Mayer, and K.A. Richardson "Ultralow dispersion multicomponent thin-film chalcogenide glass for broadband gradient-index optics" Advanced Materials, 30(39). 1803628 (2018) PDF
E.R. Hale, I.B. Divliansky, and L.B. Glebov "Passively Q switched dual channel Tm:YLF laser by intracavity spectral beam combination with volume Bragg gratings" Optics Express, 26(13), pp.16670-16678 (2018)
S. Mokhov, D. Ott, V. Smirnov, I.B. Divliansky, B.Y. Zeldovich, and L.B. Glebov "Moiré apodized reflective volume Bragg grating" Optical Engineering 57(3), 037106 (2018) PDF
F. Kompan, I.B. Divliansky, V. Smirnov, L.B. Glebov "Holographic lens for 532 nm in photo-thermo-refractive glass" Optics and Laser Technology, 105, 265-267 (2018) PDF