Peter J. Delfyett received the B.E.(E.E.) degree from The City College of New York in 1981, the M.S. degree in EE from The University of Rochester in 1983, the M. Phil and Ph.D. degrees from The Graduate School & University Center of the City University of New York in 1987 and 1988, respectively. His Ph.D. thesis was focused on developing and utilizing a real time ultrafast spectroscopic probe to study molecular and phonon dynamics in condensed matter using both supercontinuum and optical phase conjugation techniques.
After obtaining the Ph.D. degree, he joined Bell Communication Research as a Member of the Technical Staff, where he concentrated his efforts towards generating ultrafast high power optical pulses from semiconductor diode lasers, for applications in applied photonic networks. Some of his technical accomplishments were the development of the world’s fastest, most powerful modelocked semiconductor laser diode, the demonstration of an optically distributed clocking network for high speed digital switches and supercomputer applications, and the first observation of the optical nonlinearity induced by the cooling of highly excited electron-hole pairs in semiconductor optical amplifiers. While at Bellcore, Dr. Delfyett received numerous awards for his technical achievements in these areas, including the Bellcore Synergy Award and the Bellcore Award of Appreciation.
Dr. Delfyett joined the faculty at the College of Optics & Photonics and the Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers (CREOL) at the University of Central Florida in 1993, and currently holds the positions of Director – Townes Laser Institute, Pegasus Professor and University Trustee Chair Professor of Optics, EE & Physics. His research contributions have been extensive, spanning the underlying physics, device development, and application of semiconductor based mode-locked laser diodes.
Dr. Delfyett served as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (2001-2006), an Associate Editor of IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, and was Executive Editor of IEEE LEOS Newsletter (1995-2000). He has served on the Board of Directors of the Optical Society of America, the Board of Governors of IEEE LEOS (Photonics Society), and served as Chair of the Division of Laser Science of APS (2014-2018). He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, Fellow of the Optical Society of America, Fellow of IEEE Photonics Society, Fellow of the National Society of Black Physicists, Fellow of SPIE, and a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. He is also a member of Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Sigma Xi, and AAAS. Dr. Delfyett has been awarded the 1992 YMCA New Jersey Black Achievement Award, the 1993 National Black Engineer of the Year Award – Most Promising Engineer, the University Distinguished Research Award ’99, and highlighted in Design News’ “Engineering Achievement Awards”. In addition, Dr. Delfyett has been awarded the National Science Foundation’s Presidential Faculty Fellow Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, which is awarded to the Nation’s top 20 young scientists. Dr. Delfyett has been highlighted on ‘C-SPAN’, “” and in “Career Encounters”, a PBS Special on technical careers in the optics and photonics field. Dr. Delfyett was awarded the 1999 University Distinguished Researcher of the Year Award, the 2000 Black Engineer of the Year Award – Outstanding Alumnus Achievement, and the 2000 Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award. He was awarded the University of Central Florida’s 2001 Pegasus Professor Award which is the highest honor awarded by the University. He is also a Founding Member in NSF’s Scientists and Engineers in the School Program, which is a program to teach 8th graders about the benefits of science, engineering and technology in society. In 2003, Dr. Delfyett received the Technology Innovation Award from the Orlando Economic Development Commission. He was selected as one of the “50 Most Important Blacks in Research Science in 2004” and as a “Science Trailblazer in 2005 and 2006” by Career Communications Group and Science Spectrum Magazine. He was awarded the APS Edward Bouchet Award for his significant scientific contributions in the area of ultrafast optical device physics and semiconductor diode based ultrafast lasers, and for his exemplary and continuing efforts in the career development of underrepresented minorities in science and engineering. Dr. Delfyett has also endeavored to transfer technology to the private sector, and helped to found “Raydiance, Inc.” which is a spin-off company developing high power, ultrafast laser systems, based on Dr. Delfyett’s research, for applications in medicine, defense, material processing, biotech and other key technological markets. Dr. Delfyett was also elected to serve 2 terms as President of the National Society of Black Physicists (2008-2012). He was awarded the 2014 Medalist from the Florida Academy of Sciences for his outstanding contributions scientific research, and to the stimulation of interest and promotion of scientific knowledge, the 2018 Townsend Harris Medal from The City College of New York for his significant contributions in his field, the 2020 IEEE Photonics Society’s William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award “for pioneering contributions to semiconductor diode based ultrafast laser science and technology”, and the 2021 APS Arthur L Schawlow Prize in Laser Science, “for pioneering contributions to the development of ultrafast mode-locked semiconductor diode lasers, including the scientific understanding of the underlying physical processes, and their application in ultra-wide bandwidth optical communications and signal processing. Most recently, he was elected into the National Academy of Engineering. He has over 200 scientific publications in refereed journals, >600 conference proceedings and invited presentations, and 45 US patents.
Awards & Honors
- International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) Fellow
- American Physical Society (APS) Fellow
- IEEE Photonics Society Fellow
- Optical Society of America (OSA) Fellow
- 2022 CCNY Engineering Alumni Award – Career Achievement Award – The City College of New York, School of Engineering
- 2022 UCF Teaching Incentive Program (TIP) Award
- 2021 UCF Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching – College of Optics and Photonics
- 2021 UCF Luminary – “For notable accomplishments in research, scholarship and creative activities.”
- 2021 National Academy of Engineering (NAE) – Elected Member, “For contributions to development and commercialization of low-noise, high-power ultrafast semiconductor lasers.”
- 2021 Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine of Florida (ASEMFL) – “For contributions to development and commercialization of low-noise, high-power ultrafast semiconductor lasers.”
- 2021 APS Arthur L. Schawlow Prize in Laser Science – “For pioneering contributions to the development of ultrafast mode-locked semiconductor diode lasers, including the scientific understanding of the underlying physical processes, and their application in ultra-wide bandwidth optical communications and signal processing.”
- 2020 IEEE Photonics Society William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award
- 2019 Excellence in Graduate Teaching College Award – College of Optics and Photonics
- 2018 Townsend Harris Medalist – The City College of New York of CUNY
- 2014 Florida Academy of Science’s 2014 Medalist
- 2014 UCF Innovator
- 2013 National Academy of Inventors Fellow
- 2013 Letter of Appreciation – SPIE
- 2013 Faculty Excellence for Mentoring Doctoral Students
- 2013 College Research Incentive Award (RIA)
- 2012 Faculty Excellence in Mentoring Doctoral Students
- 2012 College Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award
- 2012 Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award
- 2011 Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award
- 2011 APS Edward Bouchet Award
- 2010 American Physical Society Edward Bouchet Award
- 2010 IEEE Photonic Society Graduate Student Fellowship
- 2010 SPIE Educational Scholarship in Optical Science and Engineering
- 2010 Incubic/Milton Chang Travel Award to attend CLEO
- 2006 Science Spectrum Trailblazer
- 2005 District Advocate for the American Physical Society
- 2005 Science Spectrum Outstanding Black Professional in Science
- 2003 Technology Innovation Award
- 2003 UCF Millionaire’s Club
- 2002 Pegasus Professor Award
- 2002 UCF Distinguished Research Professor Award
- 2002 UCF Millionaire’s Club
- 2001 UCF Nguzo Saba Award
- 2000 Research Incentive Award (RIA)
Research Group
Graduate Students
S.V. Pericherla, L. Trask, C, Shirpurkar, A. Bhardwaj, G. E. Hoefler, P. J. Delfyett, ""Stabilization of an InP mode-locked laser PIC through simultaneous optical filtering and self-injection locking using a Fabry-Perot etalon”," Journal of Lightwave Technology, (2024)
L. Trask, S. V. Percherla, C. Shirpurkar, P. J. Delfyett, "“Generation and stabilization of a terahertz spanning Electro-Optic Modulated oscillator comb”," Photonics Tech Letters, 36 (3), pp.163-166 (2024) (2024)
Chinmay Shirpurkar, Jizhao Zang, Ricardo Bustos-Ramirez, David Carlson, Travis C. Briles, Lawrence R. Trask, Srinivas V. Pericherla, Di Huang, Ashish Bhardwaj, Gloria E. Hoefler, Scott B. Papp, Peter J. Delfyett. "“Optical frequency division & pulse synchronization using a photonic-crystal microcomb injected chip-scale mode-locked laser”," Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 42, 4, 1250-1256, (2024). (2024)
Sun, MD (Sun, Mengdi) [1] ; Huang, D (Huang, Di) [2] ; Golvari, P (Golvari, Pooria) [4] ; Kuebler, SM (Kuebler, Stephen M. M.) [2] , [4] , [5] ; Delfyett, PJ (Delfyett, Peter J. J.) [2] , [6] ; Kik, PG (Kik, Pieter G. G.) [2] , [3] "Diffractive light-trapping transparent electrodes using zero-order suppression" Nanophotonics 12(18) pp.3545-3552 (2023)
Pericherla, SV (Pericherla, Srinivas Varma) [1] , [2] ; Shirpurkar, C (Shirpurkar, Chinmay) [3] ; Trask, L (Trask, Lawrence) [3] ; Delfyett, PJ (Delfyett, Peter J.) [1] , [2] "Two-Color Semiconductor Mode-Locked Laser System for Multiphoton Imaging Applications " IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 35(12) pp. 680-683 (2023)
P. J. Delfyett, "“Teaching Laser Engineering to Undergraduates - A Practical Approach”, (Invited)." Field Guide on Optics Education 2022, SPIE Field Guide FG53, pp. 61-21 (2022) (2023)
K. Y. Yang, C. Shirpurkar, et al, P .J. Delfyett, et al. "“Multi-dimensional data transmission using inverse-designed silicon photonics and microcombs”" Nat Commun. 13, 7862 (2022). (2022)
C. Shirpurkar, J. Zang, K.Y. Kang, D. Carlson, S.P. Yu, E. Lucas, S.V. Pericherla, M. Guidry, D. Lukin, G.H. Ahn, J. Lu, L. Trask, F. Aflatouni, J. Vuckovic, S.B. Papp, and P.J. Delfyett "Photonic crystal resonators for inverse-designed multi-dimensional optical interconnects" Optics Letters, 47(12), pp. 3063-3066 (OSA’s Editor’s Choice – for scientific quality) (ALSO HIGHLIGHTED IN NEW RELEASE). (2022)
R. Bustos-Ramirez, C. Shirpurkar, S. Pericherla, L.R. Trask, T.C. Briles, J.R. Stone, S.P. Yu, A. Bhardwaj, G.E. Hoefler, S.B. Papp and P.J. Delfyett "Synchronization of Electro-Optically Modulated Kerr Soliton to a Chip-Scale Mode-Locked Laser PIC via Regenerative Harmonic Injection Locking” (THIS IS A "TOP SCORED PAPER" at OFC; invited for submission to JLT)." Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40(6), pp. 1742-1748 (2022)
R. Bustos-Ramirez, L.R. Trask, A. Bhardwaj, G.E. Hoefler, F.A. Kish and P.J. Delfyett "Direct chip-scale optical frequency divider via regenerative harmonic injection locking" Optics Letters, 46(4), pp. 908-911 (2021)
M. Yessenov, B. Bhaduri, P.J. Delfyett and A.F. Abouraddy "Free-space optical delay line using space-time wave packets" Nature Communications, 11(1), A. 5782 (2020)
A. Bhardwaj, G.E. Hoefler, R. Bustos-Ramirez, A. Dentai, M.E. Plascak, F. Kish, P.J. Delfyett and M.C. Wu "A monolithically integrated racetrack colliding-pulse mode-locked laser with pulse-picking modulator" IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 56(4) (2020)
M. Malinowski, R. Bustos Ramirez, J.-E Tremblay, G. F. Comacho-Gonzalez, M. C. Wu, P.J. Delfyett, and S. Fathpour, "Towards on-chip self-referenced frequency comb sources based on semiconductor mode-locked lasers" Micromachines, 10(6), 391 (2019)
P.J. Delfyett, A. Klee, K. Bagnell, P. Juodawlkis, J. Plant, and A. Zaman ""Exploring the limits of semiconductor-laser-based optical frequency combs" (this is an "Editor's Choice" paper)." Applied Optics, 58(13), pp. D39-D49 (2019)
R. Bustos Ramirez, M. E. Plascak, K. Bagnell, A. Bhardwaj, J. Ferrara, G.E. Hoefler, F.A. Kish, M.C. Wu and P.J. Delfyett "Repetition rate stabilization and optical axial mode linewidth reduction of a chip-scale MLL using regenerative multitone injection locking" Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36(14), pp. 2948-2954 (2018)
K. Bagnell, A. Klee, P.J. Delfyett, J. Plant, and P. Juodawlkis "Demonstration of a highly stable 10 GHz optical frequency comb with low timing jitter from a SCOWA-based harmonically mode-locked nested cavity laser" Optics Letters, 43(10), pp. 2396-2399 (2018)
M.E. Plascak, R. Bustos Ramirez, K. Bagnell, and P.J. Delfyett "Tunable broadband electro-optic comb generation with an optically filtered optoelectronic oscillator" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 30(4), pp. 335-338 (2018)
P.J. Delfyett, A. Ardey, S.P. Bhooplapur, and E. Sarailou "InP-based device technologies for signal processing using ultrafast frequency combs" IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 24(1), 1100513 (2018)
S.P. Bhooplapur, A. Klee, and P.J. Delfyett "Line-by-Line Pulse-Shaping at GHz Modulation Frequencies With an Injection-Locked VCSEL Array" IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29(15), pp. 1241-1244 (2017)
M. Malinowski, A. Rao, P. J. Delfyett, and S. Fathpour "Optical Frequency Comb Generation by Pulsed Pumping" APL Photonics, vol. 2, p. 066101, May 2017. (2017) PDF
Srinivas Varma Pericherla, Electrical Engineering Ph.D., Spring 2024Lawrence Trask, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2024
Chinmay Shirpurkar, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2023
Ricardo Bustos Ramirez, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2021
Kristina Bagnell, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2017
Anthony Klee, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2016
Edris Sarailou, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2015
Marcus Bagnell, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2014
Sharad Bhooplapur, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2014
Abhijeet Ardey, Physics Ph.D., Summer 2014
Dat Nguyen, Physics Ph.D., Summer 2013
Josue Davila-Rodriguez, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2013
Charles Williams, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2013
Nazanin Hoghooghi, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2012
Umar Piracha, Electrical Engineering Ph.D., Spring 2012
Dimitrios Mandridis, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2011
Ibrahim Ozdur, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2011
Ji-Myung Kim, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2010
Sarper Ozharar, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2008
Franklyn Quinlan, Optics Ph.D., Summer 2008
Shinwook Lee, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2008
Myoung-Taek Choi, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2007
Wangkuen Lee, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2007
Luis Archundia-Berra, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2006
Kyungbum Kim, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2006
Robert Stegeman, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2006
Bojan Resan, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2004
Michael Mielke, Optics Ph.D., Fall 2003
Tolga Yilmaz, Optics Ph.D., Spring 2003
Christopher Depriest, Physics Ph.D., Spring 2002
Sangyoun Gee, Physics Ph.D., Spring 2000
Brian Mathason, Electrical Engineering Ph.D., Spring 2000
Hong Shi, Electrical Engineering Ph.D., Spring 1998