Frontiers in Attosecond Optics
OSE 6349 Applied Quantum Mechanics for Optics and Engieering OR PHY 5606 Quantum Mechanica I; AND OSE 6111 Optical Wave Propagation, OR PHY 5346 Electrodynamics I or OSE 6525 Laser Engineering
Course assignments/exams:
11 homework assignments. 30 pts from the 10 best homework grades (lowest one is dropped).
3 tests. 30 pts from the 2 best exam grades (lowest one is dropped).
Final exam. Comprehensive. 40 pts
Grading procedures:
A: 90-100 pts
B: 80-89 pts
C: 70-79 pts
D: 60-69 pts
Zenghu Chang, “Fundamentals of Attosecond Optics,” Taylor and Francis,
ISBN: 9781420089370
Course description
This course is offered to introduce the graduate students to the forefront of attosecond optics research. The materials covered include textbook chapters that explain the fundamental theories as well as some latest journal publications. Lab tours will be offered for connecting the theories to the experiments. We will challenge students on the problems that yet to be solved by the scientists in this field.
Chapter 1 Linear and nonlinear pulse propagation
1 Description of short pulses in the time and frequency domain
2 Linear dispersive materials, prism pair and grating pair
3 Perturbative nonlinear pulse propagation: hollow-core fiber and filamentation
4 Nonperturbative phenomena: high order harmonic generation and attosecond pulses
Chapter 2 Attosecond beam propagation
2.1 Scattering factor and index of refraction
2.2 Photoionization ionization and phase shift
2.3 XUV beam focusing and diffraction
2.4 Attosecond chirp compensation
2.5 Comparison between femtosecond and attosecond pulses
Chapter 3 High power femtosecond pulse generation and characterization
3.1 Mode-locked oscillator and frequency comb
3.2 Chirped pulse amplification
3.3 Hollow-core fiber compression
3.4 Femtosecond FROG and SPIDER
3.5 Pulse shaping
Chapter 4 Carrier-envelope phase stabilization
4.1 Carrier-envelope frequency offset and carrier-envelope phase
4.2 f-to-2f interferometry and ATI phase meter
4.3 CEO and CEP stabilization
4.4 VUV frequency comb
Chapter 5 Attosecond optical pulse generation
5.1 Amplitude gating
5.2 Two-color gating
5.3 Polarization gating
5.4 Double optical gating
5.5 Phase-matching and quasi-phase matching
5.6 KeV sub-attosecond pulse generation
Chapter 6 Attosecond pulse characterization
6.1 Attosecond Streaking
6.4 Attosecond SPIDER