This course covers quantum optics in the semi-classical approximation. In this approximation the atomic/molecular system is described quantum-mechanically with a finite number of discrete quantum energy levels, while transitions between those levels are considered as if they were induced by classical electromagnetic fields. Attention is paid to field quantization, electromagnetically induced transparency, the principle of spectroscopic stability, nonlinear Optics, stimulated Scattering (SS), phase conjugation, and adiabatic processes. The application of these concepts in optical devices is discussed.
Pre-requisites: Graduate Standing and OSE 5312 Light Matter Interaction, or Consent of Instructor
Suggested Reading
- Elements of quantum optics, Pierre Meystre, Murray Sargent III. 3rd ed. New York: Springer, c1999
List of topics
- Field quantization
- Calculation of the spontaneous emission rate
- The relation between spontaneous emission, the absorption coefficient and gain coefficient
- The Townes-Schawlow formula for the natural linewidth of a single-mode laser radiation
- Quantum cryptography
- Electromagnetically Induced Transparency
- Lasing Without Inversion.
- The principle of spectroscopic stability
- Nonlinear Optics cubic active (Imχ(3)) and reactive (Reχ(3)) nonlinearities
- Hellwarth-Einstein relationship between stimulated and spontaneous scattering of light
- Energy transfer, beam clean-up and frequency shift via stimulated scattering-like processes
- Four-wave mixing, stimulated Brillouin scattering and phase conjugation
- Theory and applications of adiabatic processes in linear and nonlinear optics
- Twisted nematic LC-Display
- Phase-locked sub-femtosecond pulse generation
- adiabatic passage in two-level systems