Credits: 3 hours
Prerequisites: OSE3053, OSE4520
Corequisites: OSE3052, OSE4470, OSE4410, Senior standing
Detailed Description:
Students will prepare plans for a team-driven capstone project for an optical system driven by a real world customer (from industry, small business, utilities, government, a nonprofit agency or institution, or research laboratory) with consideration of economic, safety, reliability, ethical, aesthetic, and social impact factors. Preparation involves learning of design strategies, product specifications, information collection, modeling and optimization, cost assessment, failure and reliability, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, ethical issues, and teamwork. Students will identify the customer and the project, form teams of 3 – 4 each, and prepare detailed proposals for implementation in OSE 4952, Senior Design II, which is offered in the following semester.
List of Topics:
- Select customers and projects, identify team.
- Study specifications and collect information
- Prepare design options
- Determine feasibility and cost
- Assess safety, reliability, ethical, aesthetic, and social impact factors.
- Select design
- Prepare detailed proposal
- Present proposal to customer
- Prepare final written proposal and present orally to class.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completing this course, the students will:
- Identify specific goals of the designed system, including specifications and realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability constraints.
- Collect information on available components and standards related to design needs,
- Develop appropriate models and using computer tools for system analysis,
- Perform testing and failure analysis
- Incorporate appropriate human factors into designs
- Prepare written proposals and delivering technical information through oral presentations, reports and logbooks
- Work in a team environment
- Develop a customer relationship and mentality
- Recognize and address ethical issues related to design and engineering
Engineering Design: An Introduction, J. Karsnitz, 2nd ed., S. O’Brien, and J. Hutchinson, Delmar 2012
Initial project plans and class participation (15%), interaction with customer (10%), oral and written presentation (25%), final project proposal (50%).