OSE6242 - Infrared Systems
This course focuses on the measurement of infrared light and its spatial, temporal and spectral characteristics. First, the course introduces radiometry—a set of methods for measuring electromagnetic radiation—and defines radiometric quantities and units of measurement. Next, we will study the theory of blackbody radiation and concepts such as shot noise and Johnson thermal noise, all of which limit the signal-to-noise ratio of infrared detection. Finally, we'll cover a variety of infrared detectors, from photodiodes to superconducting single-photon detectors, and to focal plane detector arrays.
The topics include:
1. Radiometry and its quantities and units .
2. Blackbody Radiation.
3. Photoemissive Detectors.
4. Photoconductive Detectors.
5. Photovoltaic Detectors.
6. Schottky-Barrier Photodiodes.
7. Germanium Photodiodes
8. Thermal Detectors.
9. Quantum Well, Quantum Dot, and Superlattice Photodetectors
10. Superconductive Detectors and quantum techniques
11. Noise in the Detection Process.
12. Noise Equivalent Power. Fundamental Detectivity Limits.
13. Figures of Merit for Optical Detectors.
14. Impulse Response. Detector speed.
15. Coherent Detection.
16. Detection via frequency upconversion. Electro-optic sampling
17. Detector Focal Plane Arrays
18. Thermal-Imager Systems.
19. Hyper-spectral imaging
Suggested Reading:
E. L. Dereniak, G. D. Boreman, Infrared Detectors and Systems, 1st Ed (Wiley, 1996)