The Dean’s List is compiled in recognition of scholastic honors to degree-seeking undergraduate students who earn a minimum 3.4 GPA, complete a minimum of 12 credit hours, earn no grade less than “C” (2.0) and no “I,” “U,” “N,” “NC,” or “WF” grades during a term.
We congratulate these students who have achieved this high honor.

Jake Pivnik
James Brutus
Naim El-Nil
Zainulabedin Khan
Kendra Kordack
Cesar Lopez-Zelaya
Gabriela Rodriguez
John Semmen
Neeil Nailesh Gandhi
William Bowman
Cassidy Coll
Ilina Sunkara
Vinh Van
Kielan McMillan
Matthew Brislenn
Pedro Alvarez Fernandez
Nicholas Pinkham
Rory Bartels
Jacob Shoemaker
David Torres
Adriana Correa
George Kiriazes
Troy Rzeznikiewicz
Darlandie Moise
Melissa Siver
Caitlyn Rowe
Alexis Schons
Victor Sobrinho Coragem