Nonlinear guided wave optics will play an ever increasing important role in tomorrow’s optical science and technology. This course aims to introduce graduate students to the fascinating and exotic world of nonlinear photonic structures and nonlinear dynamics. Topics to be covered range from nonlinear effects in optical fibers to some very recent developments in nonlinear optical lattices and photonic crystal systems.
List of topics:
- Aspects of nonlinear dynamics-integrability
- Diffraction, dispersion, waveguides-coupled mode theory
- Nonlinearities, nonlinear waveguide structures
- Self-phase modulation, cross-phase modulation, nonlinear non reciprocity
- Beam propagation methods
- Optical Solitons, modulational instability, optical compression
- Basic nonlinear waveguide devices
- Bragg and gap solitons, vector solitons
- Spatial solitons, Kerr, chi-2, photorefractive,
- Discrete solitons and nonlinear waveguide lattices
- Incoherent self-trapping
- Ginzburg-Landau systems and amplifiers
- Nonlinear optics in particle suspensions
- Self-induced transparency
- Stimulated Raman and Brillouin amplification effects
- Four wave mixing