Credit Hours:

- Graduate standing or consent of instructor
Suggested Reading:
- Any text book on fundamentals of applied electromagnetism particularly on Maxwell’s equations and plane wave propagation.
List of topics
Review of Vector Analysis
- Vector Representation and vector coordinate transformations
- Dot product and cross products
- Differential vector operations
- Integral vector theorems
Electromagnetic Field Theory
- Electromagnetic fields
- Integral and differential time varying Maxwell’s equations
- Constitutive relationships and electric permittivity, magnetic permeability, and electrical conductivity
- Boundary conditions
- Power and Energy
- Fourier series and Fourier transforms in linear systems
- Complex time harmonic Maxwell’s equations
Electromagnetic Propagation in Linear Isotropic Homogenous Media
- Wave propagation in linear homogenous isotropic (LHI) media
- The wave equation and Helmholtz equation
- The Poynting’s theory and power flow density
- Electromagnetic field polarization, linear, circular, and elliptical
Reflection and Refraction at Planar Interfaces
- Reflection and refraction at planar boundaries
- Phase Matching
- E and TM polarizations
- Brewster angle, critical angle, total internal reflection
- Reflection/refraction in multi-layered media
- Quarter-wave stack and applications in thin film coatings
Electromagnetic Propagation in Anisotropic Media
- Dielectric tensor classification of anisotropic media
- Dispersion relation and light propagation in uniaxial and biaxial media
- Power flow in anisotropic media
- Index ellipsoid
- Refraction and reflection at anisotropic interface
- Jones’s calculus and retardation plates
Gaussian Beam Propagation
- Scalar wave equation approximation
- Propagation of Gaussian beams and beam divergence
- Limitation of the paraxial approximation
- Transformation of Gaussian beams and the ABCD bilinear transformation
- Applications to simple resonators
- Plane wave decomposition for finite beam propagation
Optical Propagation in Periodic Media
- Periodic field spatial harmonics
- Generalized phased matching condition and the grating equation
- Propagation and evanescent diffracted orders
- Interferometric formation of volume gratings
- Bragg condition for volume gratings