Pegasus Professor Shin-Tson Wu, Ph.D., was selected this week as the winner of The International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE)’s 2022 Maria Goeppert-Mayer Award in Photonics.
The award, named for the Nobel laureate who proposed the nuclear shell model of the atomic nucleus, recognizes “outstanding contributions to the field of photonics and the development of innovative, high-impact technologies.”
Wu’s three decades within SPIE includes fellowship status (gained in 2007) and leadership roles on multiple committees and conferences. He is a previous recipient of the SPIE GG Stokes Award in 2008. His research focuses on three areas: miniLED, microLED and quantum-dot LCD advanced displays; adaptive optics for laser beam steering; and adaptive lenses.
“SPIE has played a critical part in my professional career, both giving me an outlet for presenting my research and connecting me with lifelong friends,” Wu said. “I appreciate the recognition.”
The praise goes both ways. University of Rochester Professor Emeritus Ching Tang commended Wu’s “extensive impact on the display industry.”
“The impact of his many contributions to LCD technology and his outstanding record in mentoring students in display science and technology is apparent across the field,” Tang said in a prepared statement.