January 22, 2015
Jeffrey Chiles Hybrid Integrated Photonic Platforms and Devices The field of integrated optics has seen vast growth since its beginnings decades ago. The promise of mass-manufacturable, compact, and reliable systems has driven much of this growth. The use of silicon as an optical platform has been established for several decades, the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform being…
January 29, 2014
Clémence Jollivet Specialty Fibers for Novel Fiber Lasers and Devices Designs of novel specialty fibers are finely tuned to enable transmission of light carrying specific properties (wavelength, profile, polarization, dispersion, etc.), opening the route towards potential applications such as average or peak power scaling of fiber laser, beam shaping, optical sensing, and telecommunications. As the…
January 23, 2013
Neng Bai Mode-division multiplexed optical communication in few-mode fibers As a promising candidate to break the single-mode fiber capacity limit, mode-division multiplexing (MDM) explores the spatial dimension to increase transmission capacity in fiber-optic communication. Two linear impairments, namely loss and multimode interference, present fundamental challenges to implement MDM. This talk will describe methods to resolve…
February 15, 2012
Nazanin Hoghooghi Linear modulation, direct demodulation and channel filtering using injection-locked semiconductor lasers A novel linear interferometric intensity modulator based on an injection-locked laser as an arcsine phase modulator, is described. Spur-free dynamic range of ~130 dB.Hz2/3 is achieved in an analog link employing this modulator. Also, direct demodulation and channel filtering of phase-modulated optical signals…