Found 364 publications.
Journal Papers (refereed)
John A. B. Aziz, Seth Smith-Dryden, Bahaa E. A. Saleh, and Guifang Li.
"Three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction using Voronoi weighting".
John A. B. Aziz, Seth Smith-Dryden, Bahaa E. A. Saleh, and Guifang Li, "Three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction using Voronoi weighting," Opt. Express 32, 20256-20267 (2024)
Aziz, JAB (Aziz, John A. B.) [1] ; -dryden, SS (Smith -Dryden, Seth) [1] ; Saleh, BEA (Saleh, Bahaa E. A.) [1] ; Li, GF (Li, Guifang).
"Three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction using Voronoi weighting".
Optics Express 32(11) pp.20256-20267
Klein, AB (Klein, Andrew b.) [1] ; Zhu, ZY (Zhu, Zheyuan) [1] ; Saiham, D (Saiham, Dewan) [1] ; Li, GF (Li, Guifang) [1] ; Pang, SS (Pang, Shuo s.) [1].
"Iterative eigensolver using fixed-point photonic primitive".
Optics Letters 49(2) pp.194-197
John A. B. Aziz, Seth Smith-Dryden, Bahaa E. A. Saleh, and Guifang Li.
"Three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction using Voronoi weighting".
Opt. Express 32, 20256-20267 (May 2024)
Zheyuan Zhu, Andrew B. Klein, Guifang Li, and Sean Pang.
"Fixed-point iterative linear inverse solver with extended precision".
Scientific Reports 13(1)
Ning Wang, He Wen, Juan Carlos Alvarado Zacarias, Jose Enrique Antonio-Lopez, Yuanhang Zhang, Daniel Cruz Delgado, Pierre Sillard, Axel Schülzgen, Bahaa E. A. Saleh, Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa and Guifang Li.
"Laser2: A two-domain photon-phonon laser".
Sci. Adv.9, eadg7841(2023)
Smith-Dryden, S (Smith-Dryden, Seth) [1] ; Fan, SL (Fan, Shengli) [1] ; Li, GF (Li, Guifang) [1] ; Saleh, B (Saleh, Bahaa) [1].
"Iterative optical diffraction tomography with embedded regularization".
Optics Express, 31(1) pp.116-124
Rachel Sampson, Huiyuan Liu, Guifang Li.
"Improving the sensitivity and bandwidth of time-of-flight scanning LIDAR using few-mode preamplified receivers".
R. Sampson, H. Liu, G. Li, "Improving the sensitivity and bandwidth of time-of-flight scanning LIDAR using few-mode preamplified receivers," Opt. Eng. 61(12) 123106 (2022).
Vanani, FG (Vanani, Fatemeh Ghaedi) [1] ; Fardoost, A (Fardoost, Alireza) [1] ; Zhang, YH (Zhang, Yuanhang) [1] ; Zhu, ZY (Zhu, Zheyuan) [1] ; Wang, N (Wang, Ning) [1] ; Alvarado-Zacarias, JC (Alvarado-Zacarias, Juan Carlos) [1] ; Amezcua-Correa, R (Amezcua-Correa, Rodrigo) [1] ; Pang, S (Pang, Shuo) [1] ; Li, GF (LI, Guifang) [1].
"Low-crosstalk mode-group demultiplexers based on Fabry-Perot thin-film filters".
Optics Express, 30(22) pp. 39258-39268
Li, GF (Li, Guifang) [1] ; Eggleton, B (Eggleton, Ben) [2] ; Essiambre, RJ (Essiambre, Rene-Jean) [3] ; Dai, DX (Dai, Daoxin) [4] ; Su, YK (Su, Yikai) [5].
"Guest Editorial Special Issue on ACP 2021".
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 34(16), pp. 837-837
Y.Y. Gao, D.W. Ge, L. Shen, Y.Q. He, Z.Y. Chen, G.F. Li and J.H. Li.
"Prototype of DSP-Free IM/DD MDM Transceiver for Datacenter Interconnection".
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 40(5), pp. 1283-1295
S. Smith-Dryden, S.L. Fan, B.E.A. Saleh and G.F. Li.
"Optical Diffraction Tomography by Use of Optimization and Phase-Based Fidelity Criterion".
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 27(4), A. 6800709
S.L. Fan, S. Smith-Dryden, G.F. Li and B.E.A. Saleh.
"Optimization-based optical diffraction tomography using iODT initialization".
Journal of the Optical Society of America A - Optics Image Science and Vision, 38(7), pp. 947-953