Found 113 publications.
Y. Braiman, J. M. Drake, F. Family, and J. Klafter, editors.
"Dynamics and Friction in Submicrometer Confining Systems".
ACS Symposium Series 882, Oxford University Press
Book Chapters
N. Nair, E. Bochove, and Y. Braiman.
"Transverse Modes of Coupled Nonlinear Oscillator Array".
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applications in Nonlinear Dynamics (ICAND 2016), V. In, P. Longhini, and A. Palacios eds., Springer International Publishing AG
B. Liu, P. Colet, and Y. Braiman.
"Semiconductor Laser Beam Combining".
in Semiconductor Lasers, Fundamentals and Applications eds. by A. Baranov and E. Tournie, Woodhead Publishing Limited
S. Jeon, T. Thundat, and Y. Braiman.
"Frictional Dynamics at the Atomic Scale in Presence of Small Oscillations of the Sliding Surface".
in Superlubricity, A. Erdemir and J.-M. Martin eds, Elsevier
Y. Liu and Y. Braiman.
"Dynamics and Synchronization in a Broad-Area Semiconductor Laser Array with External Optical Feedback".
in Experimental Chaos VIII, S. Boccaletti, B. J. Gluckman, J. Kurths, L. Pecora, R. Meucci, and O. Yordanov eds, American Institute of Physics
Y. Braiman, J. Barhen, and V. Protopopescu.
"Non-Lipschitzian Control Algorithm for Nanoscale Friction".
in Dynamics in Small Confining Systems – 2003, MRS Proceedings vol. 790, Materials Research Society
Y. Braiman, J. Barhen, and V. Protopopescu.
"Non-Lipschitzian Control of Friction".
in Dynamics and Friction in Submicrometer Confining Systems, in Y. Braiman, J. M. Drake, F. Family, and J. Klafter eds., ACS Symposium Series 882, Oxford University Press
F. Family, Y. Braiman, H. G. E. Hentschel.
"Attractor Hopping – a Mechanism for Stick-Slip Dynamics".
in Friction, Arching, Contact Dynamics, Eds. D. E. Wolf, and P. Grassberger, World Scientific
Y. Braiman, E. Ben Jacob, and Y. Imry.
"Microwave Induced Harmonic and Subharmonic Steps".
in the I-V Characteristics of the Current Fed Josephson Junctions, SQUID 80, 783, Eds. by H. D. Hahlbohm and H. Lubbig (de Gruyter, Berlin 1980)
Journal Papers (refereed)
P.R. Nyaupane, P.L. Likamwa, and Y. Braiman.
"Spectral linewidth narrowing of broad-area blue diode bar in V-shape external Talbot cavity".
Optics Letters, 47(11), pp. 2802-2805
A. Miloshevsky, N. Nair, N. Imam, and Y. Braiman.
"High-T-c Superconducting Memory Cell (Nov, 10.1007/s10948-021-06069-5, 2021)".
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 35(3), pp. 953
A. Miloshevsky, N. Nair, N. Imam and Y. Braiman.
"High-Tc Superconducting Memory Cell".
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 35(2), pp. 373-382
N. Nair, K. Hu, M. Berrill, K. Wiesenfeld and Y. Braiman.
"Using Disorder to Overcome Disorder: A Mechanism for Frequency and Phase Synchronization of Diode Laser Arrays".
Physical Review Letters, 127(17), A. 173901
R. Glowinski, J. Lopez, H, Juarez, and Y. Braiman.
"On the controllability of transitions between equilibrium states in small inductively coupled arrays of Josephson junctions: a computational approach".
Journal of Computational Physics 403, 109023
N. Nair, E. Bochove, and Y. Braiman.
"Almost perfect in-phase and anti-phase chaotic and periodic phase synchronization in large arrays of diode lasers".
Optics Communications 430, pp.104
N. Nair, A. Jafari-Salim, A.N. D’Addario, N. Imam, and Y. Braiman.
"Experimental demonstration of a Josephson cryogenic memory cell based on coupled Josephson junction arrays".
Superconductor Science and Technology 32, 115012
N. Nair and Y. Braiman.
"A Ternary Memory Cell Using Small Josephson Junction Arrays".
Superconductor Science and Technology 31, 115012
B. Liu and Y. Braiman.
"Coherent Addition of High-Power Broad-Area Laser Diodes with a Compact VBG V-shaped External Talbot Cavity".
Optics Communications 414, 202
N. Nair, E. Bochove, and Y. Braiman.
"Phase-Locking of Arrays of Weakly Coupled Semiconductor Lasers".
Optics Express 26, 20040 (2018)