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Professor Matthieu Baudelet elected as President-Elect of the North American Society for Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (NASLIBS).

January 6, 2014
The North American Society for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy exists to promote the spread of scientific knowledge, advancing the understanding of laser plasma spectroscopy in North America and around the world. We support conferences, forums, and other educational activities to connect scientists and inform the public of the results and implications of current research in LIBS.…

Hyperbolic metamaterials for manipulating radar signals

January 6, 2014
A paper titled “Virtual hyperbolic metamaterials for manipulating radar signals in air” by Zhaxylyk A. Kudyshev, Martin C. Richardson and Natalia M. Litchinitser was published in Nature Communications. Abstract: Microwave beam transmission and manipulation in the atmosphere is an important but difficult task. One of the major challenges in transmitting and routing microwaves in air is…