Photonics-enabled large-area, low-cost telescope apertures for spectroscopy, LIDAR, telecoms, and more …
PolyOculus Concept
Recent evolution in commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies – low-cost high-performance telescopes, guide CCDs, and control computers – results in 10x lower costs per square meter of collecting area. PolyOculus combines these with photonic linkages and autonomous operation to produce large-area telescope arrays.

Cost/Size Scaling
PolyOculus provides a hierarchically scalable framework, enabling equivalent areas ranging from 1-meter to >30-meter apertures – all while maintining a >10x cost reduction.

Application Areas
PolyOculus was originally conceived for low-cost, dynamically reconfigurable spectroscopy for astrophysics applications ranging from time-domain observations to extrasolar planet radial velocities to the measuring Dark Energy. Other applications include atmospheric LIDAR, space-to-ground optical communication, high-speed photometry, etc.

PolyOculus Video Introduction
Video Talk by Prof. EikenberrY